Where is the EIA for the marina constructed behind the Pointe – which is right next to a public beach?


Can Philip Weech, Minister Romauld Ferreira or PM Hubert Minnis answer these serious questions about a constructed Marina behind the Pointe? WHERE IS THE EIA?

PM Minnis, Philip Weech (Top photo) Minister Romauld Ferreira (bottom).

Nassau – Sometimes you just have to wonder who these environmental groups in the Bahamas are serving because clearly they are not serving the interests of Bahamians.

BP is learning how a new marina in the back of the Pointe – that is almost completed – is now ready for service. Now, we ga ask Prime Minister Minnis and his pal Philip Weech this one question: Where is the Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] for that Marina?

Has anyone in the Bahamas seen the – required by LAW – EIA for the constructed Marina at the Pointe? Has Minister for the Environment Romauld “Romi” Ferreira seen it? Is he even in office these days to know if such a report exists? Like the scandalous OBAN Deal, these kinds of environmental infractions only occur in the Bahamas, ya know. And they only happen with a government that is not transparent or accountable to THE PEOPLE! Where is the Freedom of Information Act these days, so strongly and loudly promoted by the sitting Minister for the Environment before coming to office!?

Anyway, we ga ask the political prostitutes parading around as environmental protectionists the same questions: Have any a yinner seen the EIA for the Pointe’s marina – now almost complete – right alongside a public beach?

We ga report and let yinner decide!