Whitney Bastian tells racist expat to get out of South Andros and the Bahamas!

A picturesque view of beautiful Mangrove Cay Andros.

South Andros| A former MP for South and Central Andros had to be thrown out of a community meeting last evening after he violently cussed out an expat, who is known for attacking the Davis Government in the media.

Police had to be called into the meeting to physically remove former MP Whitney Bastian who cussed the expat on behalf of every Bahamian.

Bastian in the presence of the community and the sitting MP told the expat, “I will not allow any racist to come into my country and attack my government who I worked so hard to get elected!”

Bastian after being removed warned Androsians that the time has come for Bahamians to stand up against people who come to this country and attack our duly elected leadership. “I am proud of what I told that racist in front of the community and he should pack his bags and get out of Mangrove Cay.”

Several FNMs and old UBPs were also at the meeting sitting in shock at the outburst of Bastian. The former MP words were dressed in some “colourful Bahamianese” which cannot be repeated by BP.

If I was the expat after what was encountered in that meeting a church in Mangrove Cay may not be a safe place to be for him.

We report yinner decide!