Who approved dredging in the Clifton Bay just outside the home of Louis Bacon? Did Save Da Bays approve this?


How does Louis Bacon get to cut deep into the seabed and nothing is said?

Seabed work now again in Lyford Cay. SAVE TGE BAYS MUTE!

Nassau, Bahamas – There is a serious story that must be told in the Bahamas about Louis Bacon, ya know, and the recent events of the courts should paint a clear picture how those persons connected to him have exercised some serious controls on our system.

It is expected that a judge will challenge Bacon’s neighbour this week Tuesday, and the ruling is a forgone conclusion. Everyone expects the judge to deliver her decision that will then be blasted across the media against the neigbour of Louis Bacon. This, though, will just be a pyrrhic victory for them.

You see, the people of the Bahamas have been following the Save the Bays crew managed by Bacon, who has started this war with Bacon’s neighbour in the courts. Everyone remembers how they sailed around Clifton Bay in the name of Louis Bacon, claiming how they want to save the environment and protect it for generations to come. At one point, they made the claim that Save the Bays and Bacon wanted to “Protect” Clifton Bay. They stopped the construction of a dock in the area for residents and all the efforts to clean up Jaws Beach.

But look what we have here. Last week, an amazingly major construction began around the home of Louis Bacon. Photos here show heavy equipment, just around Bacon’s property, is cutting and digging deep into the seabed and building no one knows what. Save da Bays cannot be found nor can they say a word. We wonder why?

Perhaps they only have mouth to make noise around Louis Bacon’s neighbour. But here you have it! Nothing said as if nothing is being done. Boy, we at BP must be the only real news source in the country.

We remember how sometime back Bacon built a boat basin right up to the back of his home in Lyford Cay without proper permits at the time of construction. That construction dealt with cutting deep into the seabed to finish the project. But now this event that is unfolding out at Lyford Cay has everyone quiet. Save the Bays is mute! And, boy, we wonder who in the government has allowed this to take place?

Bahamas Press will wonder what does the judge have to say about this, now that the court is considering the same against Louis Bacon’s neighbour.

Justice is selective these days. But while we report yinner should decide!

UNITED TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT – Members of the Coalition to Save Clifton and Save The Bays met at Jaws Beach today, ushering in a new chapter of united efforts to preserve and protect the marine environment. Pictured l-r, Coalition members Celi Moss, founder Rev. C.B. Moss, Save The Bays Director Joseph Darville, Save The Bays partner organization Re-earth founder Sam Duncombe and Coalition member Paul Moss. Photo by BVS