BOB Coughlin and Eric Carey forget this The Bahamas, eh?

NASSAU| As Exuma moves into its GOLDEN YEARS and the Bahamas attracts new investments to the tune of over $8 billion dollars across the country, Bahamas Press is now anchored for a short period of time in the community of Exuma where some visitors and winter residents have decided to meddle in the business of Bahamians. WATCH THIS NOW!
A new group who came to the Bahamas during the pandemic and organized themselves as FRIENDS OF EXUMA back in 2020 have invited themselves into our national business.
Bob Coughlin, a man who moved to Exuma in 2019 after selling his home, has become very vocal against developments in Exuma. Remember now he is NOT BAHAMIAN! Coughlin sold his Human Resources software management company PayCor after a long career in the business and moved to EXUMA; settling down with his wife in our piece a heaven.
While here on the island, he organizes (perhaps with the help of Eric Carey) this group Friends of Exuma. This group is now, like the lobbyist they are, interfering in the Business of Exuma; while trying to block and stop development on the island. WHO INVITED DEM IN OUR BUSINESS?!
And Friends of Exuma has no Bahamian on its Committee! Well what is this?
Now we say it short and blunt to people like BOB and C: WE AT BP WELCOME YOU LIKE WE WELCOME MILLIONS TO THE BAHAMAS EVERY YEAR! But ya cannot come into Exuma, and by extension THE BAHAMAS, and LOCKOUT THE LOCALS and then start screaming about what can and cannot happen in the community you just joined in 2019! NAH, LOOK HERE…. DIS DA BAHAMAS!
If you are so concerned about a community, go to Michigan and fix the environment of rust and lead in the water of FLINT where people drink in the US! DIS DA BAHAMAS!
How could you organize a board of Foreign Nationals to tell Bahamians what we can and cannot do? Especially in a community like EXUMA? And on top a that oppose investments to the island? You met success, development and opportunities already happening in this part of the Bahamas!
Bahamas Press is warning Bahamians in Exuma to take CHARGE OF YINNER ISLAND before BP have to move down to this part of the country and show yinner how its done! Bahamians own EXUMA – WE BORN THERE! And das all we ga say fa now! STAY TUNED!