Who is Protecting WHO behind Lyford Cay?


The entrance gates of Lyford Cay where the super rich reside.

Nassau, Bahamas — Operatives of the Wutless ‘Dutty’ Toilet Paper better known by some as the Tribune, was at their game of spin once again this week following a police raid in Lyford Cay.

A bombshell dropped by BP on Sunday past and reported earlier by Island FM reporter, Stephen Gay, a week earlier announced that illegal ultra sonic speakers were housed at Point House, the home of billionaire Louis Bacon.

Only hours following our shocking revelation and investigative reporting, police descended at Point House where they discovered the items highlighted in our news alert.

BP had crawled under the trimmed foliage and had scaled the high fence to get a close shot of the mi;itary grade speakers housed at Point House, devices only used in psychological warfare. Following the 3-hour search at the residence, police removed all four [4] illegal speakers from the property.

BP readers should note the same information obtained by BP was also circulated to every media house in the country, including the Toilet Paper. We received the tip on the 15h of July, long before we began our investigation at the residence a few days later. It is our understanding the Toilet Paper also received their tip around the same time. Overly busy defending the decision on the Barefoot Bandit, and praising the WUTLESS Judiciary on their decision to let him go free, the Tribune never followed up the Point House story.

They were so wutless, they failed to even call the police to ask if something would be done about those military weaponry housed in the quiet community where residents made repeated calls to police on the loud music in the area.

The one eye Goliath in the editorial world of the country could not believe the powerhouse BP [David] has turned into of late. Just last week they called us a “gossip website” but BP today has stations on every rock in the Bahamas and is now for the first time striking like lightening, the very foundations of deep pockets behind the gates.

Readers should note, for a long time residents in the community have  enjoyed immunity from law enforcers, who are mandated to uphold law and order in this society. If the illegal speakers can be allowed and the barefoot bandit can go free, then why in the hell we are chasing after the young boy from Bain and Grants Town who has a joint?

In a two-faced article published this past Thursday, for the first time since the Point House story  began to create whispers, the Collapsing Dino in its usual cloud of spin and deflection reported the following:

“Although the owners were not present, police handcuffed and body-searched household staff for over three hours, before confiscating a set of industrial loudspeakers.

“The speakers were returned the same day.

“Although an official police report was promised yesterday, the Tribune was unable to speak to senior officers, including the commissioner, on this matter despite numerous calls.”

Ultrasonic speakers erected at Point House.

Larry Smith, the top gun spin master was called in to write the article and the chief editor ‘Mother Superior’ combed the text. What stood out was the face that no local Tribune reporter was worthy to enter Lyford Cay.

After waiting three days to report the hottest story of the week [No we take that back], The once mighty Dino decided to lie over what they coined, “INDUSTRIAL SPEAKERS”. This is laughable indeed.

To cushioned further damage to Lyford Cay ,the article claims the speakers were returned the same day. Another DAMN LIE! The speakers are in police custody and BP can confirm an investigator from the US have joined the RBPF in their investigation.

We also know Bahamas Customs Department has no record of the items being cleared into the country and cannot produce any invoice or form detailing the origin of the items. This is interesting.

“Not only did the police NOT return the Ultra Sonic Devices, but no one is apologizing to anyone at Point House because this investigation continues,” sources in the Customs Department told BP.