Who Stole The Bahamian Christmas? INGRAHAM!



  1. Not only did that heartless Hubert Ingraham and his government stole Christmas, they have ruined many people lives with that trust agenda, because of them many people now find themselves at home looking up at the ceiling not knowing where the next dollar is coming from. They feel so betrayed for believing in those liars, who said better now and better to come. The FNM lie when they promised that capital would be carried out, now here it is they are trying to erase this law off the books completely. I wouldn’t even trust Hubert Ingraham and the FNM to throw out my garbage.

  2. Media, you are forgeting an even better comparison. The Grinch who Stole Christmas. Is HI the Grinch?

  3. Joe you should see one we have that will tell in song the ways of Mr. Scrooge (INGRAHAM) LOL! We cannot wait to put up that Muppet musical, It will be a HIT! And when you listen to it, you will see where we find our words to describe Ingraham, like HEARTLESS AND COLD!

    But your right about the materialism thing. OH can someone advise me as to how many days it is to Christmas and Junkanoo (Boxing Day?)


  4. Media: Loved it! We all stole Christmas because we lost the true meaning of it. The love of material things got in the way. This year is the time to get back to celebrate by concentrating on love of ourself and our fellow man and put aside our biases and hatred of things past. “The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.”

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