Who took down Pindling’s portrait at the Queen’s Exhibition?

Exhibitions shows Pindling photo removed from square.


Nassau, Bahamas — Like King Henry the VIII, Bahamas Press is calling for the head of the person(s) who played politics in Rawson Square only minutes after Prince Harry left the exhibition, which marked the celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee.

Only minutes after the Prince left the square to continue his itinerary in North Eleuthera; some JACKASS decided to play politics and rewrite history in downtown Nassau.

A protrait of Queen Elizabeth II in Rawson Square as Diamond Jublilee Exhibition opens in downtown. The First Premier in the majority rule Bahamas, Sir Lynden Pindling, was taken down.

Bahamas Press was called to the scene of this major crime all to discover our tip was true. Someone decided to remove the Father of the Nation from the portraits on Bay and made it even more difficult for guests and students visiting the Royal Exhibition to know who the Queen’s representatives were.

We can report, of the row of Prime Ministers posted on Bay, excluded the first Premier in a majority rule Bahamas, Rt. Hon. Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling. Some JACKASS wearing “red bikini” decided for a second time to have Pindling exhibited portrait was removed. This is not the first time this occurred.

Many would remember when the Bahamas celebrated independence someone a few years ago, had Pindling’s photo was removed then. SHAMELESS!

Additionally, PLP appointed Governors General were also removed and in once case Arthur Hanna written information was removed. This is shameless and indeed appalling!

Missing from the line of GG photos was Sir Henry Milton Taylor and Sir Clifford Darling both now deceased.

Bahamas Press is calling on the Cabinet Office to correct this most offensive act of ‘Political JAUNDICE’ against National Heros who built the modern Bahamas!

Bahamians everywhere should detest this cruel action by someone whose pure motive, is to erase history and destroy the true legacy of our Bahamaland!


We report yinner decide!

Portraits of Sir Henry Taylor and Sir Clifford Darling, both former Governors General appointed under a PLP administration, was unceremoniously removed from the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Exhibition in Rawson Square! We wonder why?


  1. At events such as what was displayed for the Queen’s 60th, cameras should have been in place ….. what about security for the Prince? Had the cameras been in place it would have been clearly defined who the ignorant, “tyrant” is; and if that tyrant happens to be reading this post, please be advised that, if you claim to be a Bahamian, you should be “exiled” to Tim-Buc-Tu in Africa, maybe you have not been reformed yet….so go back home! Also remember not matter what, we can’t turn back the hand of time, we cant change history!

  2. They blew down due to strong winds yesterday evening!! If you would notice, a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II is down in Parliament Square as well!!! They will be re-erected TODAY!! Stop breeding controversy!!!!

  3. They blew down due to strong winds yesterday evening!! If you would notice, a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II is down in Parliament Square as well!!! They will be re-erected TODAY!! Stop breeding controversy!!!!

  4. Sir lynden’s portrait along with many others were blown down due to gale force winds. please do not make more of it than what really happen.

    all portraits wii be remounted when the wind dies down.

    Thank you,

    Linda Stubbs (Designer)

  5. But nothing will happen. We are in a lawless land. One of the few in the world along with other black nations (Jamaica, Africa). Almost anyone can do anything. Only in da Bahamas.

  6. BP,you should not rush to judgment before the facts are all laid out.You talk as if you know for certain that an FNM had done this.It could be anybody.Perhaps it was an individual who just wants these fancy portraits in their home.Who knows?

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