Who will begin an investigation on Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham?



Nassau, Bahamas — If members of the WUTLESS MEDIA were doing their job in the country, The Bahamas would be a far better place. Crime would be much fewer. ‘Tiefin’ of crown land would be a thing of the past. Rape of children, schoolboys and babies, would follow with serious reprimand, and the ‘VIGZY’ head people stop the long case backlog in the judiciary. The WUTLESS MEDIA rather walk on a beauty pageant runway and report how the streets of Nassau are flooded with rain. So there you have it.

Bahamas Press on the other hand has a knack for what one-blogger calls “GUTSY Journalism”. We fear no MAN, WOMAN OR BEAST! On last week we began or dig at the man we know to be the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Hubert Alexander Ingraham. We began to inform the public why this man, a former minister in the Pindling Cabinet, was fired.

We published on last week a letter written by Ingraham to Andrew Antippas, the former United States Chief Missions officer, who was stationed here in The Bahamas. Ingraham clearly stated in his letter written on September 21st, 1983 (https://www.bahamaspress.com/?p=5437), that he wished to carryout ESPIONAGE exercises in the country for a foreign government. Ingraham in it proved not only his readiness to commit espionage, but TREASON as well! Ingraham was indeed part of the Cabinet of The Bahamas, and had sworn to secrecy! But the letters now being expose by us clearly confirms that Ingraham had BROKEN LAWS OF THE BAHAMAS, particularly when it comes to ESPIONAGE AND TREASONOUS exercises.smith-william2-copy

We wonder whether Marvin Dames or Ellison Greenslade can start their careers off by investigating these letters. Didn’t Ingraham suggest he spent all that public money on both men to investigate Members of Parliament? Or did he send them to gain experience on how to arrest PLPs?

Today, Bahamas Press exposes a real case of ESPIONAGE! We shall see what they [DAMES AND GREENSLADE] will now do. We’ll wait to see who in the PLP has the testicular fortitude to bring this matter up in the Parliament. And, we shall wait and see if Ingraham will respond to this charge and defend his now ‘QUESTIONABLE LOYALTY’ to country. All we say is this, the more he remains silent on the matter, the worse it will get! A word to the wise is sufficient!

Interestingly, Ingraham’s urgent demands as a member of Pindling’s Cabinet had reached the desk of the 74th Attorney General of the United States, William French Smith. The Harvard Law School graduate knew what Ingraham sought to do was a SERIOUS CRIME against his fellowmen! Indeed CRIMINAL, and so on December 14th, 1983, he responded to the ‘DESPERATE TRAITOR’S’ request:

Most countries almost never tolerate SPIES! If we were like China, Ingraham would not be around today! If this was Cuba, we’ll be looking for him like that former MP arrested for sexing a ‘lil boy’ on that tropical island [that former MP is still missing-in-action by the way]. And if this was America, no matter how many years would have passed, he [Ingraham] would now be heading to a federal court.

In fact, a strange case of alleged spying on behalf of Cuba recently popped up in Washington, raising fascinating questions about personality, motivation and Cuba’s goals in espionage.

The case involves Kendall Myers, now retired from the State Department’s intelligence branch, and his wife Gwendolyn, a former computer specialist at Riggs National Bank.

The couple is portrayed as enthusiastic converts to the cause of protecting Cuba against the United States and providing information to the Cuban government for years.

They were caught by a sting, in which an FBI agent posed as a Cuban operative and asked them to return to the fold after several years of avoiding spy activities.

Ingraham has always been ‘ASHAME’ of the Bahamian people, and nothing surprises us about him. Well, as we said before, we have his file. WHO WILL NOW QUESTION INGRAHAM’S LOYALTY TO THE BAHAMAS? BP has the SPINE to table it, who will take it from here?

Stay tuned Bahamas, STAY TUNED. We NEED CHANGE!


  1. Carvel Francis are you so desperate to build conversation that you have resorted to resurrecting old post from June 2009???
    After seeing Gorman’s name, it raised a red flag. Those who still believe that Pindling was a saint, read the testimony of Bannister himself. Pindling did some good but he was also morally bankrupt and corrupt. Hubert ain’t no saint, but he when it comes to corruption Pindling takes the cake.


  2. The heart of the matter is the mindset of the man. HAI has the mindset of an arch criminal. he will start a fire on your lawn, irrespective of the damage caused, just to distract you long enough to go through your back door and steal your pot off the stove.

  3. PAPA needs to respond to this letter or better still resign.It just wont go away and no interference by blind followers will change the facts of him being a traitor if the letter is genuine.With this cloud over his head he needs to absent himself from politics.

  4. why do we portray ourselves as the devil ye without sin cast the first stone drugs was no different from prohibition but we describe our drug war years as different kennedy’s name is not attached with the trade that borned his wealth but we think nothing of mentioning our former prime minister L.O.P. it is a truism that the good that men do is interred with their bones and the torment of the grave is only known by the corpse so spare a thought in the debate the 80’s was quite a different time we were ill prepared as usual many died all hands were on deck and wether directly or indirectly benefitted and suffered as a resullt of the nefarious trade………this letter if genuine portrays cowardice of the worst kind fior it is a cry for help and would imply that the whole country at the time was so corrupted that outside intervention was required he really should answer this its been doing the rounds for years Is he foul or fish?

  5. LOP did more bad than good for this country, HAI and the Pussycat got fried because they stated that LOP should resign due to his connection to drug boys.

  6. @tp

    tp :

    gorman bannister :

    tp :@gorman bannisterGorman Bannister/Blackbelt/Bahamas PressYou know that both you and your brother Billy was near and dear to your fathers heart.But you were the apple of his eye and what Mr Ingraham did can in no way compare to what you did.I would prefer to not go further with this but suffice it to say your conscience will always be with you.[Reply]

    dear Bahamas Press,it would seem that this ‘tp’ would like tyo restrict his sherlock holmes investigations as to a comparison between what i did to my father and what ingraham did to the country; which only again confirms to me that ‘tp’ should stand for total p—y. there is no comparison between me and PM Ingraham’s behavior’s; he voluntarily did what he did to gain power, i did what i did to save myself like everyone including my father was doing once carlos got extradited. so that is how my conscience guided me then and still keeps me at peace to this day. but tp, tell us about PM Ingraham’s conscience. i also notice the way you introduced my brother’s name into this situation, i guess you think that proves you know something about my life, hey? well carry on and let’s see where it ends for you; but that is the benefit of being anonymous on the internet, correct?[Reply]

    Gorman, I agree you did what you did to save yourself but since then to now you are a changed person.For whatever reasons you have become bitter.I remember years ago you were what many people your age aspired to be.Everyone loved and respected you { not that we do not love you now ] You were one of the GREATEST guys I have ever had the pleaaure of being around,and this was long before Lehder came on the scene. No one would ever thought you would let people Like Ingraham and Christie cause you to change But you have changed so much I hardly recognize you now.Regardless to what is said here you will always be my friend,and eventually we will talk about this.that is providing you have not gotten to big for the likes of me.Moving ahead I APOLOGIZE FOR MY COMMENTS ABOUT YOU BEING LIKE LIKE MR INGRAHAM AND WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN.

    dear tp c/o Bahamas Press,
    you are entitled to your views and conclusions, but no one is entitled to their versions of the facts in any matter. in any event, your apology is accepted.

  7. gorman bannister :

    tp :@gorman bannisterGorman Bannister/Blackbelt/Bahamas PressYou know that both you and your brother Billy was near and dear to your fathers heart.But you were the apple of his eye and what Mr Ingraham did can in no way compare to what you did.I would prefer to not go further with this but suffice it to say your conscience will always be with you.[Reply]

    dear Bahamas Press,it would seem that this ‘tp’ would like tyo restrict his sherlock holmes investigations as to a comparison between what i did to my father and what ingraham did to the country; which only again confirms to me that ‘tp’ should stand for total p—y. there is no comparison between me and PM Ingraham’s behavior’s; he voluntarily did what he did to gain power, i did what i did to save myself like everyone including my father was doing once carlos got extradited. so that is how my conscience guided me then and still keeps me at peace to this day. but tp, tell us about PM Ingraham’s conscience. i also notice the way you introduced my brother’s name into this situation, i guess you think that proves you know something about my life, hey? well carry on and let’s see where it ends for you; but that is the benefit of being anonymous on the internet, correct?

    Gorman, I agree you did what you did to save yourself but since then to now you are a changed person.For whatever reasons you have become bitter.I remember years ago you were what many people your age aspired to be.Everyone loved and respected you { not that we do not love you now ] You were one of the GREATEST guys I have ever had the pleaaure of being around,and this was long before Lehder came on the scene. No one would ever thought you would let people Like Ingraham and Christie cause you to change But you have changed so much I hardly recognize you now.
    Regardless to what is said here you will always be my friend,and eventually we will talk about this.that is providing you have not gotten to big for the likes of me.

  8. Rupert, I want to give that 20 year old a history lesson soo bad but my thing is, is it worth it. His or language is very limited as we can see but we ought t educate them when they come here so I will take that task on momentarily

  9. @rb75

    What I have observed in our political system is that people align themselves by a political party. E.g.: Mommy is a plp therefore I should vote PLP…. Daddy is a FNM I should vote FNM. Presently, that is going on in our country. At a very young age I always observed our Bahamian political parties and I promised myself as a intelligent young lady that I will never abuse my voting rights which my family and ancestors worked hard for.

    I’m going to be Honest…I’m related to Perry Christie. Most of my family voted for PLP in 2007. I love my cousin so very much however I didn’t vote based upon my DNA. Mr. Christie is a wonderful man but I feel his actions during his first term in office hurt the PLP. There were so many controversy during his days in office like the anna nicole scandal etc. And it wouldve been a perfect time to TEST HIS LEADERSHIP Style.

    I feel a perfect leader is a person who can swiftly work under pressure, can be stern towards his followers and be transparent with their followers. When observing Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie. What each other have the other need. Perry Christie is a motivator and has peoples skills on the other hand Ingraham is stern and have can shake up his cabinet. Up to this very day I always compare Perry Christie to Pres. Obama. Personally, If i was an American i would’ve prefer Hillary Clinton because she can be more stern compared to Obama.

    The Reason i voted FNM was because:
    1. I rather Ingraham’s leadership style than Christie’s own.
    2. I live in Elizabeth constituency and I would refuse to elect Malcom Adderely who havent done nothing but CAMPAIGN.
    3. I admired more FNM 2007 candidates like Laing, Campbell, McCartney, Minnis, Butler, Maynard to name a few.
    4. Ingraham being the pit-bull he is known to be would be on each minister’s back to get the job DONE compared to Perry who into long talks.
    FNM needs a leader for 2012.

    I dont think i will be voting for them if they choose Tommy Turnquest or Brent Symonette because they both lack one of the important things I look in a leader. The best person who they should start vetting for FNM is Laing, McCartney and Vanderpool Wallace .PLP is in dying need of a leader, I will Recommend Leslie Miller, Glenis Hanna, Fred Mitchel.

    I dont Have NO REGRETS VOTING FNM!… I think overall they are doing good could be better in certain ministries but doing good especially under this financial crisis. Now certain ministers needs to Go…….. Such as Turnquest and Bethel. Those ministries are a CRUICIAL and BIG ministries therefore they need that STERN leadership style I prefer in a leader which Hanna, Laing, Miller, McCartney has. The Plp’s minister for security was “Mudda Pratt” for security which was a OH NO in my books but I don’t know who I would prefer to be minister of education when it comes down to Bethel and Sears. BOTH ARE LOUSY and have that STERN leadership style i look for in a leader especially for a crucial ministry like EDUCATION. I personally think PLP is playing the political card to boost their ratings for 2012 elections. That Stunt Hanna pulled last week was all POLITICAL but hey IT WORKED therefore she doing good.

  10. JT: You make a lot of accusations about crimes committed by Kerzner and Our Prime Minister but present nothing to substantiate those accusations.
    All politicians who aspire to be leader of a country and who are successful have mostly the same character traits. All political Parties
    have donors who have motives when they contribute funds for the benefit of the party of their choice.(The Shiek, who we know to be a Court proven crook, made no bones about giving donations to both individuals in your Party of choice and to your Party. That was not disputed by officials in the PLP either, just the amount). But when you have been around long enough you begin to understand that the donors cover their bases by contributing equal amounts to all the parties. One never can accurately predict who will be the “power base” at any given time. People with a lot of money are not, as a rule, fools. You are another person who listens and believes Party propaganda, instead of thinking things through. Understand, it is the nature of the game, on all sides, that the proponents will do almost anything to come out victorious. The higher the position the greater the need to attain and keep that position and the closer the person comes to that invisible line that should not be crossed. If indeed you believe HAI has benefitted illegally from his position, you must do all in your power to bring it forth. That is your duty and your right. But do not ascribe things to him that you have no knowledge of because you have aligned yourself to one party! When we want to hold one person to a certain standard, we must hold all, including ourselves to that standard. That is why the Bible says, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

  11. What the PM did, according to the letter was commit TREASON! In any other country, it is called treason ! Did you notice in the US, that no matter what congressmen knew about Bush and the IRAQ war, nobody betrayed their nation…or President ! They protected their nation’s reputation – only here in the bahamas, we have no liking for Patriotism – bunch a sell outs and suckers for anything other than Bahamian!

  12. tp :@gorman bannisterGorman Bannister/Blackbelt/Bahamas PressYou know that both you and your brother Billy was near and dear to your fathers heart.But you were the apple of his eye and what Mr Ingraham did can in no way compare to what you did.I would prefer to not go further with this but suffice it to say your conscience will always be with you.

    dear Bahamas Press,
    it would seem that this ‘tp’ would like tyo restrict his sherlock holmes investigations as to a comparison between what i did to my father and what ingraham did to the country; which only again confirms to me that ‘tp’ should stand for total p—y. there is no comparison between me and PM Ingraham’s behavior’s; he voluntarily did what he did to gain power, i did what i did to save myself like everyone including my father was doing once carlos got extradited. so that is how my conscience guided me then and still keeps me at peace to this day. but tp, tell us about PM Ingraham’s conscience. i also notice the way you introduced my brother’s name into this situation, i guess you think that proves you know something about my life, hey? well carry on and let’s see where it ends for you; but that is the benefit of being anonymous on the internet, correct?

  13. @TP
    So, Mr. Ingraham was trying to save this country from LOP and his gang? Well, now the “tides have turned” ! We need someone to save this lovely country from Mr. Ingraham and his goons (gestapo)and illegals and Foreign friends! We are fast eroding as a society and as a nation..

  14. JT,

    I agree with you this is not about L.O.P. and for the life of me I don’t know why people continue to do this Sir Lyn den was and will ever be in my book if not the one of the greatest Bahamian so I must say that we have to talk about and blog about what is happening here in the present

    @COME ON
    2007 ELECTION was my first time voting and i VOTED FNM solely because I really don’t like Christie’s leadership style. I’m no fan of In graham’s leadership style however I know he will shake up his MINISTERS and CABINET. HE seems to be real… perry does talk too much SHIT and try to be the nice guy all the time. I want a leader who can be real and I’m no FNM and sure as hell no PLP… IM A BAHAMIAN!
    YAL PRAISING Pindling like he is GOD… Yes hes the father of the nation yes he did good for the Bahamas. BUT LYNDEN is HUMAN! HUMAN CAN DO RIGHT and also he can do wrong.

    Come On,
    Every Bahamian that lives in this nation has the divine right and is entitled to vote for whomever he/she wants too that is our right as we do live in a democracy….However you said that you did not vote for Perry because you did not like his style of leadership …my question to you is what didn’t you like about his leadership an can you be more pacific? ………..You also said that you are twenty and this was your first election and you voted FNM (that is and will ever be your right)….but I must ask did you examine the FNM record and did you take into account then how the country as a whole was doing and if you where to do it all over again will you still vote for the FNM ?….Just a few questions that I have to ask.

    Folks what we have here today in our country is a nation that is on the verge of becoming a failed state , we have seen our infrastructure crumbling from underneat us we have a failed education system and our middle class is being eroded away faster than the beach sands of the Florida coast our crime is out of control when as a matter of fact we have a higher crime rate per ca pita than New York City which has a population of about 2-3 million people, what it boils down to is we have major problems and all the government does is every Wednesday or so they go to parliament and talk nonsense upon nonsense with no clear plan or direction insight to take us out of the rut that we find ourselves in.

    They can say what they want about Sir Lyn den but at least when he was in power he always presented a plan to the nation on where he was going and where he wanted to take us as a people ….now fast forward to the two captains since him one has lead us to a port for a little while and one couldn’t make up his mind on which port to take us too and when we got the other back he is leading us right into a big iceberg ……excuse the pun’s but we are a country that was born out of an enigma ,since we did not have to bleed for our independence and we did not really have to fight for civil rights like other countries so we find ourselves here today a country that lacks substance so therefore without substance then we relay do not have a soul…..This may be some harsh words but that is how I see it until we wake up as a nation and realise this then we will not be any better off as a people.

    So what we need is real change and a liberlisation of our Ideology as a people while holding on to our culture and our values …..this must be done at all cost since we have done a hack job of instilling our culture and values into a generation of our young people then we must start with those in Pre and grade school as to fill the void which have been left to a generation that has been lost to other cultures and morals.

  15. Why is everyone making this about Sir Lynden? Sure he had his faults, but he did do a lot of good for this country. My goodness, let the man rest in peace and show some respect for his widow and his family. This is about HAI, so let’s keep on track. Whether or not you people realize this says something about the nature of the PM. A leopard never changes its spots. This method of scheming and conniving was a means of him putting himself first, not the Bahamian people. That’s what this is about, his desire to obtain power. The issues should have been addressed upfront, and for the benefit of the Bahamian people. To me, the fact that he went this route says a lot about who he really is. Fast forward to present day, same man, same character. Once he himself obtained power, look at what it made him. Mr Ingraham has received handouts from Kerzner, who himself has been accused of numerous crimes. He has received handouts from many other big names. All to his own benefit. So how is he any better? He has never put the Bahamian people first. Whereas, SIr Lynden even with all those things he has been accused of, was a man who put his people first. WHO CAN ARGUE AGAINST THAT? He lived for this country. He loved this country. HAI has victimized Bahamians for party affiliation. HAI has allowed foreigners more rights in this country than we have in many cases. HAI has sold out more land, and given more concessions to foreigners than any other PM in the history of the Bahamas. HAI has allowed countless job losses without even batting an eye. I can make these points all day. But I have to ask, does this describe a man who puts his country first?

  16. @Rupert
    Pindling, like you said did a lot of good when he first came to power, but in the end he got caught/dragged into the glitter of what the columbian was offering. THEY MADE HIM AN OFER HE COULD NOT REFUSE.
    I do not care what any one say Mr Pindling was a smart man and should have known better than to let himself be led by unscruplous people.Father of the nation or not he sold his country out to drug dealers.While he did not come out and admitted he was in bed with the drug dealers he admitted that he did wrong and asked the nation’s forgiveness.Mr Pindling was not the only one in government that benefitted from the columbians there are a lot more.But with him being the leader the blame lies at his feet.
    I said it before and I will say it again just like Mr Pindling, MR Christie would still be the Prime minister if not for the vipers in his den.
    Those letters just proves that Mr Ingraham attempted to save his country from total destruction by Mr Pindling and his gang


  17. COME ON! :It makes me so DAMN SICK… SICK to see sooo much PEOPLE who either is FNM or PLP….. I AM SOOOOOO SICK OF IT!
    If ya Plp ya ga bash Ingraham if ya FNM ya ga bash Pindling. I Am only 20 YEARS OF AGE and I feel We should not vote based upon Party affliations.
    2007 ELECTION was my first time voting and i VOTED FNM solely because I really dont like Christie’s leadership style. Im no fan of Ingraham’s leadership style however I know he will shake up his MINISTERS and CABINET. HE seems to be real… perry does talk too much SHIT and try to be the nice guy all the time. I want a leader who can be real and I’m no FNM and sure as hell no PLP… IM A BAHAMIAN!
    YAL PRAISING Pindling like he is GOD… Yes hes the father of the nation yes he did good for the bahamas. BUT LYNDEN is HUMAN! HUMAN CAN DO RIGHT and also he can do wrong.
    YAL stay right there being so damn IGNORANT and learn to take in INFORMATION. PINDLING was prime minister… if you think that any and everybody could come to THE BAHAMAS and arrest or publicly accuse Pindling for Drugs. THAT PERSON WOULDVE been KILLED. Because Bahamains like to see ONE SIDE OF THE STORY. For years Pindling shit has been brushed under the CABINET. I could tell you THIS INgraham who i wouldnt trust with my dollar is more LOYAL TO THE BAHAMAS than PIndling.
    Pindling will always be FATHER OF THE NATION he did a wonderful job his firs Three or so terms in office but BEHIND FRIGGEN CLOSED doors he was HUMAN. Im sure he had his hand in the cookie jar because in those days BAHAMAINS was dumb as day. “Oh Pindling done dis he done dat”
    LOOKA DIS EXAMPLE:You think a WHITE PERSON can go in the Blackest area in the states and say OBAMA ga put Americans in debts? NOOOOOOO the black people will KILL HIm and call him racist. JUST BECAUSE OBAMA is half damn black. THATS THE MENTALITY yal STUPID ASS BAHAMIANS have for Pindling.
    Pindling is H-U-M-A-NIngraham might look like a pit bull but he is HUMAN!
    AT THE END OF THE DAY I rather Ingraham than Christe who dont have a inch of back bone. At the end of the damn DAY. THE FNM who yal dont like.. has done MORE for The Bahamas than What Lyden has done expecially in a short TIME.

    it that home grown u smoking?

  18. Okay guys here it is: Hubert Ingraham like I have said many times before should be jailed for treason. 25 years have passed and this information can be made readily available to any attorney within the U.S via the Freedom of Information Act. This is a joke compared to what else can presented here on this site. If I were Ingraham, I would not run again. He is in some serious sh*t if BP has a hold of the document signed by then Secretary of State. Mr. George P. Shultz

  19. COME ON! :
    It makes me so DAMN SICK… SICK to see sooo much PEOPLE who either is FNM or PLP….. I AM SOOOOOO SICK OF IT!
    If ya Plp ya ga bash Ingraham if ya FNM ya ga bash Pindling. I Am only 20 YEARS OF AGE and I feel We should not vote based upon Party affliations.
    2007 ELECTION was my first time voting and i VOTED FNM solely because I really dont like Christie’s leadership style. Im no fan of Ingraham’s leadership style however I know he will shake up his MINISTERS and CABINET. HE seems to be real… perry does talk too much SHIT and try to be the nice guy all the time. I want a leader who can be real and I’m no FNM and sure as hell no PLP… IM A BAHAMIAN!
    YAL PRAISING Pindling like he is GOD… Yes hes the father of the nation yes he did good for the bahamas. BUT LYNDEN is HUMAN! HUMAN CAN DO RIGHT and also he can do wrong.
    YAL stay right there being so damn IGNORANT and learn to take in INFORMATION. PINDLING was prime minister… if you think that any and everybody could come to THE BAHAMAS and arrest or publicly accuse Pindling for Drugs. THAT PERSON WOULDVE been KILLED. Because Bahamains like to see ONE SIDE OF THE STORY. For years Pindling shit has been brushed under the CABINET. I could tell you THIS INgraham who i wouldnt trust with my dollar is more LOYAL TO THE BAHAMAS than PIndling.
    Pindling will always be FATHER OF THE NATION he did a wonderful job his firs Three or so terms in office but BEHIND FRIGGEN CLOSED doors he was HUMAN. Im sure he had his hand in the cookie jar because in those days BAHAMAINS was dumb as day. “Oh Pindling done dis he done dat”
    You think a WHITE PERSON can go in the Blackest area in the states and say OBAMA ga put Americans in debts? NOOOOOOO the black people will KILL HIm and call him racist. JUST BECAUSE OBAMA is half damn black. THATS THE MENTALITY yal STUPID ASS BAHAMIANS have for Pindling.
    Pindling is H-U-M-A-N
    Ingraham might look like a pit bull but he is HUMAN!
    AT THE END OF THE DAY I rather Ingraham than Christe who dont have a inch of back bone. At the end of the damn DAY. THE FNM who yal dont like.. has done MORE for The Bahamas than What Lyden has done expecially in a short TIME.

    Boss you dont know much do you!

  20. Come on, silly pseudonym! It shows from your language, everybody on this site is probabaly older than you, but you are the only one cussing.COME ON! (PUN INTENDED)

  21. @COME ON! Your post is right on but I detect some strong under currents.Besides you have a foul mouth and try to belittle everything that you would have met in place.If you are indeed only twenty then waech and learn and stop pretending as if the world only existed since you reach.Your stupid statement about the FNM who have only been in power for 12 yrs collectively having done more than Pindling is one only an asinine drunkard would utter.Observe and learn and forget about trying to bully your way to acceptance.Dont try so hard as your statements make you appear to be a jack…..You know what I mean.

  22. tp :@media PRESS this is old story BLACK BELT has trod this road years ago, and we all know that BLACK BELT has a personal gripe with both Mr Christie and Mr Ingraham.BlCK BELT was at the very heart of all of this and he give some damning evidence or should I say some factual information to both the american government and the authors of cocaine wars.A person very near and dear to him at one time referred to Mr Pindling as a greedy little vernacular for sex.These words came from BLACK BELT’S mouth.IF these letters were so confidential how could they be obtained by anyone other than some one who was working as closely to the americans as you claim Mr Ingraham was.It turned out that Mr Ingraham; mission was one of concern and love for country .Why else would he put his reputation on the line ? With BLACK BELT it was the other way around it was all about revenge, AND HE COULD CARE LESS WHO GOT BURNED IN THE PROCESS.It did not matter to him that he was hurting some one near and dear to him.If we are going to tell the story we should tell the whole story.

    dear Bahamas Press,
    having just looked more closely at the responses (after i sent you my post earlier this evening), the above quote is exactly why i do not like to get into dialogue that is basically a savvy way to indulge in assininities. the above quote mentions the need to tell the whole story if Bahamas Press is going to tell any at all. well, as i indulge in a momentary dialogue of savvy assininity, why does the above modern day sherlock holmes, think that the whole story has not been told yet? the whole story has been told–i told it, at least the long and the short of it. and for whatever reason the above sherlock holmes concludes that i did what i did (revenge or whatever): the late sir lynden went to his grave knowing exactly why i did what i did; my father went to his grave knowing exactly why i did what i did; and carlos enrique lehder-rivas knows exactly why i did what i did and PM Ingraham knows exactly why i did what i did and he knows exactly why some of his people in the Justice Dept did what they did by supplying me with sensitive information. so to the above sherlock holmes, you probably cannot even fathom the reality of what you spew and i don’t fault you for that because not many people could jump in infested waters and come out wearing a sharkskin suit with full alligator shoes on! so me and PM Ingraham don’t have any present battle over his-story as far as i am concerned, because we both know who already won the battle,- his name is TRUTH.

  23. What i find so amusing with tp,joe blow, and all the other fnm ideolouge bloggers, is that any damning evidence against Mr. Ingraham, or the fnm is never believed. But any report, be it local,
    or international against the plp is truth……..gimme a break guys!

    Tp, you are quite right you hear a lie long enough you begin to accept it as truth. That has been happening with the PLP for over fourty years.
    from the tribune, to the punch and now the guardian.
    Mr. Ingraham is never questioned and he has the support of all of media saved for the Bahama journal.
    The fnm is getting a pat on the back while they continue to “goosie” the bahamian people!

    Look at the yeast program they prefer to have these boys return to nassau, and it’s deadly environs, which is not conducive for the rehabilitative process.

    Why,it’s not money as they claim, it’s because the PLP did it …no more, no less!

    Now good night! I will answer you guys tomorrow…..

  24. It makes me so DAMN SICK… SICK to see sooo much PEOPLE who either is FNM or PLP….. I AM SOOOOOO SICK OF IT!

    If ya Plp ya ga bash Ingraham if ya FNM ya ga bash Pindling. I Am only 20 YEARS OF AGE and I feel We should not vote based upon Party affliations.

    2007 ELECTION was my first time voting and i VOTED FNM solely because I really dont like Christie’s leadership style. Im no fan of Ingraham’s leadership style however I know he will shake up his MINISTERS and CABINET. HE seems to be real… perry does talk too much SHIT and try to be the nice guy all the time. I want a leader who can be real and I’m no FNM and sure as hell no PLP… IM A BAHAMIAN!

    YAL PRAISING Pindling like he is GOD… Yes hes the father of the nation yes he did good for the bahamas. BUT LYNDEN is HUMAN! HUMAN CAN DO RIGHT and also he can do wrong.

    YAL stay right there being so damn IGNORANT and learn to take in INFORMATION. PINDLING was prime minister… if you think that any and everybody could come to THE BAHAMAS and arrest or publicly accuse Pindling for Drugs. THAT PERSON WOULDVE been KILLED. Because Bahamains like to see ONE SIDE OF THE STORY. For years Pindling shit has been brushed under the CABINET. I could tell you THIS INgraham who i wouldnt trust with my dollar is more LOYAL TO THE BAHAMAS than PIndling.


    Pindling will always be FATHER OF THE NATION he did a wonderful job his firs Three or so terms in office but BEHIND FRIGGEN CLOSED doors he was HUMAN. Im sure he had his hand in the cookie jar because in those days BAHAMAINS was dumb as day. “Oh Pindling done dis he done dat”

    You think a WHITE PERSON can go in the Blackest area in the states and say OBAMA ga put Americans in debts? NOOOOOOO the black people will KILL HIm and call him racist. JUST BECAUSE OBAMA is half damn black. THATS THE MENTALITY yal STUPID ASS BAHAMIANS have for Pindling.

    Pindling is H-U-M-A-N
    Ingraham might look like a pit bull but he is HUMAN!

    AT THE END OF THE DAY I rather Ingraham than Christe who dont have a inch of back bone. At the end of the damn DAY. THE FNM who yal dont like.. has done MORE for The Bahamas than What Lyden has done expecially in a short TIME.

  25. I forgot to mention that sir Lynden Pindling HAD ALWAYS FOLLOWED THE LAW AND DISCLOSED HIS ASSETS EACH YEAR.Sir Lynden was among the poorer members of parliament indeed most of the opposition had a greater net worth than he did.For all the LIES AND RUMOURS of sir Lynden’s wealth,he DIED A BROKE MAN.For those who will say i am mistaken then i suggest they provide the PUNCH AND TRIBUNE with the EVIDENCE because i am sure they want TO KILL AND BURY SIR LYNDEN AGAIN.

  26. We can try all we want to DISCREDIT or belittle sir Lynden’s achievement the facts will always remain the same.History has recorded that ALEXANDER THE GREAT had many brilliant generals,Julius Ceasar had many war genius,Thomas Edison many assistants however these men are credited for the conquests and inventions because THEY WERE THE LEADERS.Well the same applies to sir Lynden.It doesnot matter whose idea/s it was to implement some of the things that have advanced this nation,sir Lynden gets the credit because as leader he had to be the one to say,”MAKE IT SO.”The mark of a great leader is some one who is willing to listen and implement GOOD IDEAS WHETHER THERE ARE HIS OR SOME ONE ELSE .In the words of president OBAMA,”I AM WILLING TO STEAL GOOD IDEAS.”By the same token when things go terribly wrong a great leader ACCEPTS THE BLAME FOR THAT ALSO.Sir Lynden was not responsible for drug smuggling however he WAS MAN ENOUGH TO ACCEPT THE BLAME SINCE IT GREW GREATLY UNDER HIS WATCH.Unlike so call leaders of today sir Lynden had numerous INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS conducted on his government.Yes majority rule,Independence,creation of a black middle class,increasing the value of the Bahamian dollar from.85 under sir Stafford Sands to on par with the American dollar.The education of Bahamians,construction of numerous schools,COB,BTVI,Central Bank,health care(clinics),NIB,Defence Force and too much other positive developments to mention could have been done by some one else,however it was ALL DONE BY SIR LYNDEN.So Joe Blow you are right,sir lynden was the one that GOD APPOINTED AT THAT TIME.Did he become corrupt?The answer is yes,in the words of the old adage,”POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.”That is why i LOVED WHEN MR.HUBERT ALEXANDER INGRAHAM FIRST LIED WHEN HE TOLD ME THAT HE ONLY WANTED 2 TERMS.

  27. Dear Bahamas Press,
    as it is my discipline to give comment, whether by rebuttal or assertion where i have reason; i have noted the ‘new’ responses and those awaken from their slumber, to history about PM Ingraham, and those ‘roosters’ that have been trying to return home to ‘roost’ for many years about the means by which one can conclude Mr. Ingraham used to justify the end and for well into a decade and a half. i join this conversation, temporarily (i hope),only to say, i cannot and will not run from my history as the person who obtained the documnets that Bahamas Press has published thus far. i concluded a long time ago after my revealtions of documents concerning this matter, that it may have to be addressed at another time with a different messenger. as for me, i am like the singers from the 50’s and 60’s–whose songs are now being done by contemporaries and probably appreciated more, after the singer who originally did the song has been long gone.

  28. @media
    Press, you are right he might have said that and he lied but the optimum word is repeatedly.

  29. Pindling was no saint, but at the same it there is a reason why he was rightly labeled “The Father of the nation.”

    PC nor HAI can hold Pindling’s jock strap. Neither of these men have built on the foundation left by Pindling.

    I have said this before on this blog and i will say it again: The Bahamas has been rudderless from 1992 to the present.

  30. The saying goes, “No man is an island”. Mr. Pindling just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Give him his “props”. It takes courage to say “I’ll stick myself out on this limb”. Then recognize that there was a cadre of persons who were willing to back him up including a white Bahamian group who thought, that since the majority were “black-skinned” ,they should have a more prominent role in Government. There is a season for all things. Mr. Pindling grew quickly into the role of the consumate politician. He was intelligent, courageous ,super ambitious and chose the proper woman to back him up. As the years went by he was careful to give credit to his loyal followers while at the same time putting himself out front. We, even now, give him all the credit for a lot of things that were not ideas of his own. But he was smart enough to know when a thing was beneficial to HIS legacy. Unfortunately, as history has a way of reminding us, he became somewhat arrogant and aggressive in his dealings with those persons who tried to make suggestions. In his mind he had NO Peers. He was still very careful to make sure that the “masses” understood he was the “man” for them. They were, after all the majority who would put him back in office every time. As time past, he began to see himself as the “ultimate leader”. That is why I find it so ammusing when BP uses that expression and applies it to HAI. He brought P.C.and HAI into his inner circle early because he needed to insure that he had young men who were devoted to him when he made the “move”. He was creating a dynasty even though he did not intend either of them to be “heir” apparant. As he was in a position to be in the know, he needed desperately to amass a fortune. Power of position is one thing, but real power is obtained through wealth and lots of it. That became the goal. I leave it there because we understand there are those who will seek the truth and understand it and those who will not believe even when there is proof positive. Mr. Pindling made a mistake when he thought he could command the absolute loyalty of HAI. Despite the feelings of you who hate the now P.M., he has an undying loyalty when it applies to his country. He was “in the know” and refused to accept the direction his mentor was “hell-bent” on taking this country. He (Mr. Pindling” was treading on thin ice. Someone needed to be the safe-guard. So there we are. Two strong men. One older and with an ultimate goal that he was not allowed to achieve because he was a big fish in a very little pond and one who loved his mentor but whose loyalty to his country and his moral fibre called out to put a stop to a wayward dream. It is never a good idea to allow any Party or any Leader to remain in Office too long. Unfortunately, who do we see on the horrizon? “I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honour more!

  31. @JR
    Jr now you know better than that! You really must do something with that mouth a yours. Although your words sounds pure and right for the response, man you must respect the people reading the blog man. COME ON!


  32. You know I’m sitting here reading some of these comments and wondering to myself, WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE LIVE IN THIS COUNTRY?

    You mean to tell me the people of this country would INDEED ACCEPT and PRAISE its leader who acted contrary to the oath he has sworn to? One who has BROKEN LAWS?

    If this is so, then The Bahamas is certainly a TREASURED SPOT in all the world. NO where else could such information be discovered and that leader not be questioned. NO WHERE ELSE ON THE ENTIRE PLANET CAN THAT HAPPEN!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  33. Media, this is what I’m talking about. No need to speculate on anything. You posted the letter from Confidential Informant #1622 to Antipass and now you posted the letter from the US Attorney General telling Hubert to sit his fat *** down. Nobody can dispute these pieces of evidence and if we had a media outlet in this country worth a damn, they would be all over this. The problem is that Ingraham is their sugar daddy and by picking up on this story, they are only going to validate your reporting. In the meantime, the Bahamian people suffer. I suggest you not let this one go and ride this wave to the end because Ingraham’s treason must be exposed. I bet Bradley Roberts is feeling pretty good right now.

  34. Every Cabinet Minister is expected to be loyal to the other members and matters discussed there are suppose to be kept secret for at least 15 yrs.HAI was willing to disclose secrets in his first year in cabinet and for that he should now be man enough and explain to the Bahamian people why?This story is not going away and must be fully told by those who were near the pulse in those troubling days.Conscience is something that everyone has to deal with so HAI come clean and let us know why you were willing to discuss our affairs with others.The code CI 1622 must be explained.Did HAI get any funds fo his assistance?Something stinks and enquiring minds want to know.

  35. If every body viewed Pindling as a god in those days then that would mean there was no opposition party in this country.The truth is many Bahamians opposed Pindling and voted against him.It was also said that Pindling was the owner of a mansion in Lyford Cay and one of the world’s richest men.In time both were proven to be LIES.NO DRUG LORD OR DEALER ARRESTED IN THE BAHAMAS OR USA EVER CLAIMED THAT PINDLING WAS ALSO DEALING DRUGS.SO PLEASE LETS DEAL WITH FACTS AND NOT VICIOUS LIES.Indeed 2 of the 3 commissioners of the 1984 commission of enquiry found NO CONNECTION BETWEEN PINDLING AND DRUG DEALING OR PROFITTING FROM THE PROCEEDS THERE OF.The thirld commissioner,rev.GOMEZ issued a minority report in which he concluded he had DOUBTS.Remember a person CANNOT BE A DRUG LORD AND EXPECT NOT TO BE KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC AND POLICE AS SUCH.My grand mother always told me that 2 persons can keep a secret if one is dead!!!Here’s a brief history of elections under sir Lynden,in 1967 there was a tie between the PLP and UBP,1968 the PLP won a convincing majority.1972 the PLP nearly wiped out the opposition party.1977 there were too many parties running in this election thus fragmenting the anti Pindling vote,1982 the FNM and SDP and others almost achieved a united front to challenged Pindling but personal ambitions by the various leaders got in the way.1987 the PLP won the election but the difference separating the winner from the loser is less than 10%.We all know what happened in 1992 and 1997 therefore the conclusion can be arrived at that at NO TIME was Pindling cosidered a god by the majority of Bahamians.Pindling was cosidered as a MASTER POLITICIAN WHO KNEW HOW TO MINGLE WITH THE POOR MAN HOWEVER.

  36. tp :
    some said if you tell a lie over and over you will start to believe it is true, you might even get others to believe it

    And some say if you kep repeating a lie, others will believe it.

    Zhivargo Laing: “We are no in recession. We didn’t fire anyone. We didn’t stop cancel and review any project left in place by the PLP. What downturn? Its a figment in their [PLP] Imagination.” Nov. 2007.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  37. COME ON! :I dont Think B.P is understanding how Serious this problem is. Personaly, Pindling was one of the BIGGEST DRUG LORD’s in this time. Pindling had one of the biggest assets which all drug lords didnt have…and that is power. Pindling had power within his family,freinds,country and goverment. I’ve read the article B.P. presented and I try to think about BOTH sides of the story.
    Ingraham is a wicked man but he looks like mother Theresa compared to Pindling. Now, I cant explain his actions. Ingraham was hungry to be Prime minister or he was being a leader to try stop Pindling. What B.P. Must understand how great Pindling power was and is now. You hardly could tell people how Pindling is a MURDER, THIEF, DRUG LORD etc. Because so much people thinks of him as GOD. They would kill you if you said something bad about “FATHER OF THE NATION”. We will never know Ingraham’s motives of doing this.
    < Pindling as GOD in those days and nowadays you HONESTLY BELIEVE if Ingraham battled Pindling. Ingraham wouldve won? OH NOOOO………….
    Look at President Obama everybody happy to see a black man in office therefore when something bad happens you are either RACISTs or REPUBLICAN. Thats same mentality is what Bahamains have for Pindling.
    Yal saying what is HI loyality to the Bahamas?????WHAT IS PINDLING LOYALITY TO THE BAHAMAS?

    I could not have said it better.It is a could thing you can not be identified, because it you could you would be deAd in an instant.
    Now be prepared for an onslaught of verbal abuse from the loyalist here.

  38. @lou

    do you really think it was necessary for Sir Lynden to be PM for 25 years? And do you honestly believe no other men were capable of implementing BTVI, RBDF, COB or the Hotel Board?
    Is that really what you’re saying?
    And furthermore Pindling was not the sole architect of our independence, not by a longshot.
    Stop selling the Kool-Aid this lie that the nation would have just lost without Pindling at the helm for so many
    In fact many in the PLP did want Pindling to retain power for as long as he did.

  39. Like people say, “the proof is in the puddin” ! Mr. Ingraham can not and will not ever be the great leader and man, that Sir Lynden was! I will repaet this again – NO …absolutely, no drug lord has fingered Sir Lynden as another drug lord! Even the famous Brian Ross interview, proved futile in getting a drug lord to point out Sir lynden.

    One thing I can say – HE HAD A VISION FOR THIS country…and HE LOVED HIS BAHAMIAN people !
    He had a vision : C.O.B., Defense Force, Bahamas Technical College, Hotel Board, Independence !

    Sir Lynden saw the need for higher education for Bahamians who could not go abroad, he realized we needed to protect our resources and borders, he saw the need for those students who were not academically inclined but skilled, he realized that hotels should not be able to take advantage of workers (close when they feel like it, etc.), he had a vision of the Bahamas growing up and standing tall among other nations – with it’s own indentity ! There is and will never be a comparison as to Sir lynden’s loyalty to this country, these people !

    Lou ,
    you hit the nail on the head, no leader can compare to Sir Lynden right now we are on the last five years of his vision and infastructure if you look at it that is why Hubert is lost and confused .

    This FNM government has taken our nation to it’s knees and everytme thay go to parliament there is nothing that is being offerd to the Bahamian people to releave us of the high job lossess, and high rates of home foreclosures that has gripped our nation for God’s sake can anyone talk about the five hundred pound elephant in the room (by this I mean the number selling) and just legalize this so that we can extra revenue in the tresuary .

  40. Like people say, “the proof is in the puddin” ! Mr. Ingraham can not and will not ever be the great leader and man, that Sir Lynden was! I will repaet this again – NO …absolutely, no drug lord has fingered Sir Lynden as another drug lord! Even the famous Brian Ross interview, proved futile in getting a drug lord to point out Sir lynden.

    One thing I can say – HE HAD A VISION FOR THIS country…and HE LOVED HIS BAHAMIAN people !
    He had a vision : C.O.B., Defense Force, Bahamas Technical College, Hotel Board, Independence !

    Sir Lynden saw the need for higher education for Bahamians who could not go abroad, he realized we needed to protect our resources and borders, he saw the need for those students who were not academically inclined but skilled, he realized that hotels should not be able to take advantage of workers (close when they feel like it, etc.), he had a vision of the Bahamas growing up and standing tall among other nations – with it’s own indentity ! There is and will never be a comparison as to Sir lynden’s loyalty to this country, these people !

  41. My question to everyone today is what would you do for your country.
    JFk,quoted ” ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country “

  42. I dont Think B.P is understanding how Serious this problem is. Personaly, Pindling was one of the BIGGEST DRUG LORD’s in this time. Pindling had one of the biggest assets which all drug lords didnt have…and that is power. Pindling had power within his family,freinds,country and goverment. I’ve read the article B.P. presented and I try to think about BOTH sides of the story.

    Ingraham is a wicked man but he looks like mother Theresa compared to Pindling. Now, I cant explain his actions. Ingraham was hungry to be Prime minister or he was being a leader to try stop Pindling. What B.P. Must understand how great Pindling power was and is now. You hardly could tell people how Pindling is a MURDER, THIEF, DRUG LORD etc. Because so much people thinks of him as GOD. They would kill you if you said something bad about “FATHER OF THE NATION”. We will never know Ingraham’s motives of doing this.

    A. Pindling couldve easily black mail Ingraham
    B. Pindling couldve wanted to be Prime Minister
    C. Ingrham wanted to STOP Pindling
    D. Pindling couldve turned the whole country and goverment against Ingraham.

    Based upon my personal thoughts, everything is pointing to PINDLING. Now Ingraham is no saint however these private letters show how scared Ingraham is. Everybody looked at Pindling as GOD in those days and nowadays you HONESTLY BELIEVE if Ingraham battled Pindling. Ingraham wouldve won? OH NOOOO………….

    Look at President Obama everybody happy to see a black man in office therefore when something bad happens you are either RACISTs or REPUBLICAN. Thats same mentality is what Bahamains have for Pindling.

    Yal saying what is HI loyality to the Bahamas?????

  43. mashup :@mashupPoliticians (and their blind followers) all deal in lies.And to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t doubt that Ingraham attempted to circumvent Pindling, but then again what does it really matter?It’s not as if Pindling was some kind of sacrosanct figure we should all aspire to emulate.I think its more important to note the kind that Ingraham and Christie are no longer fit to lead this country.And neither for that matter, are most of the people you see sitting in parliament today.

    I couldn’t agree with you more you said a whole lot of truth .I consider myself a watcher of history I watched a documentary last evening called 1066AD it was one of the worst year in England’s history way worse than the London Blitz but I said that to say this we here in the Bahamas never had to fight for anything during the fight for majority rule it was considered a easy fight ,But the fight is coming and I believe that we will have to fight not by physical means but by other means this is the fight that we have before us folks,

    It will be one that we will have to do in our generation you know I now believe in my heart that Ingraham neither Christie know what our people are going through they have both had a steady job for thirty or so years the both have had their hands on the pulse of our nations history and they both are collecting pension money so are many more that sit in parliament today……..we have to bring the strangled hold that they have on our country and I hope to God that we the young people of this land can get the strength to free our country ..maybe we need to take a note from the youth of Iran.

  44. @mashup
    Point taken, but where are those that aspire to become leaders ? We come out both barrels blasting but as soon as we like our predecessors get caught up in the glory we forget our original intentions.On the campaign trail we are all full of good intentions.But once the carrot is dangled before our eyes Dehlia wrote the note.
    Dr Nottage upon leaving the PLP gathered together a band of brilliant young men.But what happened after the 2007 elections, he abandoned them and headed back to the PLP.the rest is history, but even today we look up to him as if he is some patriot. Cassius Stewart waa one of the most vocal and hopeful aspirant, where is he today ?

  45. Our present system does not allow any Policeman to investigate the Prime Minister.HAI must have smelt a rat bcos he forced 15 Policemen to retire earlier this uyear then tried to manipulate the constitution by introducing a term limit for the COP.Only a commission of Enquiry can cause HAI to account for his past actions.In looking at the picture now one can see why he supports the Commissioner of Police in the case with Jusrice Isaacs.Both he and the COP compromised the integrity of the country by making arrangements contrary to our laws (alleged treason and the baggage handlers case).This accusation has not been answered by HAI even though it has been around for many yrs mmmppphhh.It has been 25 yrs since the alleged co-operation so the records of the USA through public disclosure should easily be able to access.I am very troubled by the HAI/Christie relationship during this period and am certain it would be proven they both know what happened.HAI needs to come clean ask for forgiveness then resign.Unlike the Blackbelt stories this is much bigger as there is blanket coverage.

  46. @mashup
    Politicians (and their blind followers) all deal in lies.
    And to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t doubt that Ingraham attempted to circumvent Pindling, but then again what does it really matter?
    It’s not as if Pindling was some kind of sacrosanct figure we should all aspire to emulate.
    I think its more important to note the kind that Ingraham and Christie are no longer fit to lead this country.
    And neither for that matter, are most of the people you see sitting in parliament today.

  47. Trinity :@kevin mckenzie I certainly agree with you here. Money seems to disappear in the isles of Parliament. With the recent bouts of borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars, we should have an account showing exactly where the money is going. We hardly ever see it do we? We have a “low fat” budget, and borrowed lots of money. We are privy to the net worth of our candidates, but then of course, the MP’s don’t have to give an account of their net worth or assets. This allows for many underhanded deals as we all know money talks. The accounts should be audited by outside (non-Bahamian) entities. At the same time, we know that the money will be well hidden. The MPs kids will have property and assets. Somehow they will manage to come off legit. That’s just the way it is.


    Thank God someone else other than myself noticed I was taken aback when the PLP did not ask the FNM the question that the budget they presented was filled with fuzy maths I mean they said that our deficit is some 3hundread and some million when it should be almost doubled that if you factor in all the borrowing that he did .

  48. Even though I have heard this all before, it is still good to remind people who is in office.

  49. @kevin mckenzie
    I certainly agree with you here. Money seems to disappear in the isles of Parliament. With the recent bouts of borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars, we should have an account showing exactly where the money is going. We hardly ever see it do we? We have a “low fat” budget, and borrowed lots of money. We are privy to the net worth of our candidates, but then of course, the MP’s don’t have to give an account of their net worth or assets. This allows for many underhanded deals as we all know money talks. The accounts should be audited by outside (non-Bahamian) entities. At the same time, we know that the money will be well hidden. The MPs kids will have property and assets. Somehow they will manage to come off legit. That’s just the way it is.

  50. @media
    PRESS this is old story BLACK BELT has trod this road years ago, and we all know that BLACK BELT has a personal gripe with both Mr Christie and Mr Ingraham.
    BlCK BELT was at the very heart of all of this and he give some damning evidence or should I say some factual information to both the american government and the authors of cocaine wars.
    A person very near and dear to him at one time referred to Mr Pindling as a greedy little vernacular for sex.These words came from BLACK BELT’S mouth.
    IF these letters were so confidential how could they be obtained by anyone other than some one who was working as closely to the americans as you claim Mr Ingraham was.It turned out that Mr Ingraham; mission was one of concern and love for country .Why else would he put his reputation on the line ? With BLACK BELT it was the other way around it was all about revenge, AND HE COULD CARE LESS WHO GOT BURNED IN THE PROCESS.It did not matter to him that he was hurting some one near and dear to him.
    If we are going to tell the story we should tell the whole story.

  51. If we want change we must first start with the enforcement of our laws.I will give you an example,every year all members of parliament which includes the senate ARE REQUIRED BY LAW(THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ACT OF 1976)to released a true and concise report on all of their assets,investment,income and debt.This law has not been enforced since 1992,indeed the only time the Bahamian public witness any adherence to this law are when the candidates file their disclosure in order to run for parliament.I must point out that FAILURE TO COMPLY OR GIVING A FALSE DISCLOSURE REPORT WITH THIS LAW CAN SUBJECT ONE TO IMPRISONMENT.So while the police are raiding number houses perhaps they should head to parliament where NO ONE IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS LAW.During the 1980s every year The Tribune would published those MPS disclosure, AND MAKE NOTE OF ANY SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN THEIR ASSETS/DEBT.There is presently a cabinet minister whose net worth was less than $60,000.00 in 1997.By the time of the 2002 election this gentleman according to his disclosure was almost a MILLIONAIRE.

  52. Wow….That is all that I can say at this point if this is true then the Prime Minister has committed treason and does not deserve at this point to hold office….Im lost for words that he could have written such a letter and if the PLP had any knowledge of this why haven’t this been made public….BP be careful my freind this is a very serious bit of nasty business that you have let the public know here today .

  53. If only Bernard Nottage did hold firm. It is not his fault though, because he could not see the future. The man had a great vision to start the Coalition for Democratic Reform (CDR) political party, but for some reason that vision faded for him. He abandons the party that he saw the need to create in the first place and he returned to the PLP. I never believed this was a good move, but he must be know why he gone back If he did stick it out, I strongly believe that now would have been his moment to shine, but what suppose to be, will be. At least he had the vision.

  54. @Joe Blow
    JB, i feel you. The entire campaign system is a joke and the jokers who run the system dosent want it to change because they all benefit from a broken system.

  55. Altec: We can begin to change this if we are willing to push for constituency candidates. Those who live in a constituency decide who from the constituency will be the candidate for the Party. Persons willing to run must have lived in the constituency for 1 year prior to the run-off election and must continue to do so during his/her tenure, when elected. This changes the framework from a Party choice to a constituency choice. Yes, the establishment will try to manipulate the procedure but it will be more difficult and candidates will realize that their first loyalty must be to the voting constituants. Rallys will be held at a local level for the most part and we will be able to get to know the candidates from any Party and be able to ask the hard questions. Once we select our local candidate then the national establishment will take over but will be unable to substitute their choices. Look for a lot of opposition from the old boys club though because the national caucus will not want to share their power. If we don’t do it at this level we will never get the changes we want or need.

  56. @Johnny Tucker

    All of those talented young men and women who played the pussy cat for both gray headed has beens should be ashamed…. Follow your own star… and plant your field by your own corn… BE A MAN AND BE A WOMAN!!!!!

    We need a thrid party in this country that is made up of men and women not stained by the present sent of jokers in the HOA.

    The CDR had some good ideas, but i think their strategic planning was poor and that lead to their implosion.

    The BDM has some good ideas too, but i when i hear Cassius Staurt on the radio i dont think he is ready yet.

    The country is ready for a strong 3rd party.

  57. Johnny Tucker :
    Why can’t they on both sides of the floor join forces and roll Hubbie and Chrissie out… Think!!!!

    They cant be rolled out because both men have the backing of their respective party establishments. Thats how the system is set up. If the system dont change nothing will. No one in parliament would be there with out the party’s establishment behind them.

    The party establishment throws their money and influence behind a leader, then the unelected wannabe MPs holds on to the leader’s coattails for political life.
    If the leader becomes PM, the party establishment gets cabinet posts, chairmanships, ambassadorial posts or lucrative contracts, and the MP’s become puppets.

    The cycle simply repeats itself as it has been since the UBP days.

  58. All things considered, Ingrahams actions may have rightfully constituted espionage; however his quest and agreegous appetite to achieve his initiatives has 3 times been validated by the electorate, in my view that constitutes immunity….

    While I don’t agree with his actions I am smart enough to understand that the precedents of democracy are not patented to no one country; every nation sets their own rules. For the Bahamas, maybe because we have a culture of “it’s who you know” and “who ya family is” the insiders get away with murder and the small fries gets the book thrown after them.

    If we are going to root up wrongdoing it will not be done by this army of weeklings… too much conflict of interest is involved. It will have to be a new breed of passionate Bahamians with a vision to move the country forward not a group of slick business partners on both sides of the floor trying to ignite the emotions of the Bahamian people.

    All of those tlented young men and women who played the pussy cat for both gray headed has beens should be ashamed…. Follow your own star… and plant your field by your own corn… BE A MAN AND BE A WOMAN!!!!!

    Why can’t they on both sides of the floor join forces and roll Hubbie and Chrissie out… Think!!!!

  59. @Joe Blow
    Well you know we didn’t start this argument Joe. The Rag Sheet’s former managing editor John Marquis did. he raised the ugly head of the Drug War. We are simply continuing the story.
    Pindling is dead, God rest his soul. But perhaps Ingraham can start some explaining.

    I bet you $1 million dollars he wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. And we know why. But however, perhaps you can speak for him Joe, cause you can tell him for us, IT COMING!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    PS: the difference between us and POTCAKE, THE TRIBUNE, The Guardian, Jones and EVERYBODY ELSE. We putting out the facts! They create SPIN. NOT BP!

  60. BP you better watch out cause the Red Brigade will be coming for you. They shut down Potcake’s blog and what you are reporting is more damaging than what Potcake was saying.

    This getting deep.

  61. Last week BP posted a letter that Mr. Ingraham wrote to the Government of the US of A. Writers came here and said there is nothing in the letter. Now we see today that the request was denied and warned him of protocol. Now today this man is our Prime Minister. There should not be partisan politics in this discussion but we must question the loyalty and the integrety of Mr. Ingraham. What was it that he wanted to do to the Pindling Government and why he has denied it in the past? We the bahamian people ought to know and demand an answer from the Prime Minister like yesterday

  62. We’ve stayed VERY VERY quiet on this issue Kevin. In fact we want them to leave it not requested. That’s when we will expose all what happen during this period. Don’t sweat, our people inside, watching them and we will report as soon as the date is expired. But let them sit right there, this time they ain’t ga get cuss from the street, they will get kick into the street.



  63. Ah! Another disappointment BP! Mr. Smith covered his posterior by this missive. What does it confirm except in your previous submission that HAI had very serious reservations about what was being contempated for this country by the “powerful one” that was much more serious than the rearing of the ugly head of the drug problem. Get to those problems if you can! No ,you are not in the know about so many things. Maybe all will become clear when the “memoirs” of a foreign dictator are revealed. That is if it is not banned in the best interest of the public! “the world is but a stage”, and we but the bit players and insignificant ones at that. The “plot” was thwarted by the real “power” before it could begin, thanks to the very one you would condemn! “It is what it is!”

  64. Bahamas press with time fast running out can you inform us if the ATTORNEY GENERAL AND MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS have submitted a formal request for ANDRE BERBIL’S EXTRADITION AS YET.


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