Who will now police the police? Central Police Station has a record of BREAKING THE LAW!


Nassau, Bahamas — Police were all over Kemp Road locking down residents in their homes as they searched for two wanted criminals on Tuesday who escaped custody at the Central Police Station. While police were down in Kemp Road, the real crooks were station on duty at Central Station; who is policing the police?

We know the man back in custody, Renardo Bastian, told authorities, senior officers on duty assisted them in their escape. Police also know both Knowles and Bastian were driven out of the city area by a woman believed to be the girlfriend of Knowles. CCTV in the downtown area showed officers assisting the escaped men who were still shackled hand and feet into a vehicle.

We also know, a female officer was involved in this ordeal however, her role is still unknown.

Now, to those of you who believe this is the first time there has been a jailbreak at Central, let us refresh your memory and awaken you with some brief historical facts.

Who remembered last year when The Nassau Guardian delivered a scathing investigation on the Central POLICE Station? Who remembered the unchristian practices exposed in that paper? In that report, the morning daily exposed deep seeded WICKED practices by the men and women stationed there. They talked about rum selling, drug selling, sex acts and hookups all occurring between inmates and police at the precinct. They exposed in 2009 how police officers were sexing prisoners into freedom and despite ruling judges ruling, it is  like the criminals running the jails in Rwanda police in the Bahamas. They have become above the law.

Several years back in the early 1990s some women operated an illegal trade of extorting money from powerful men here in Nassau. They bribed lawyers, doctors, several politicians and hoteliers threatening them if they don’t pay the money requested they will find themselves exposed publicly. One politician shared with us his rocky story with these women who he wire tapped in his office to catch the culprits committing the crimes.

There investigators caught the women as they sat in the meeting harassing the man for money, demanding that if they didn’t get it, what they would do to him and his family. Police investigators taped the conversations and then moved in to arrest the women.

By this time it was Friday and they were to be in court that Monday. Orders were given down from the High COMMAND of the RBPF to not let the women go as they were wanted by police for years and was part of a string of similar crimes committed against several prominent citizens.

 But low and behold before Monday morning could come several officers of that same CENTRAL POLICE STATION, arranged  police bail for the women and like the two prisoners on Tuesday allowed them to escape before the hearing on Monday.

Investigators could not believe what they were seeing. Officers at Central had defied their own bosses in the top brass and yes the culprits now on the run went underground.

The Bahamas needs an answer to the question, who will now police the police!


  1. This is the same police station where a young lady was raped in the cell a few months ago. also the police station where a prisoner escaped last year sometime and for months a young man was passing himself off as another-signing in every week for a well known drug dealer. Change needs to begin from the head go down. I expect to see a sleu of transfers after such melee. Bahamians be reminded that Central Police Station has been corrupt for many many years. This is a muddy mudddy place that needs to be cleaned up ASAP!!!

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