Who will rid the FNM of this CANCEROUS Crime Family killing the party?!

Barbara ‘BAG FULL A MONEY’ Hanna and Minister Duane Sands!

NASSAU| There is a serious crime family that has infected the Free National Movement.  Over the years, they have been held in high esteem in this country. 

Bahamas Press will start a series on this group who believe they have a GOD-like mandate to rule and govern the People of this great country. 

We know some institutions have been tolerant of this group, believing that their long history in politics in the Bahamas has earned them a rightful place of succession.

Bahamas Press wonders, as we take a weekly snapshot of the Crime Family, when will someone, anyone, rid the FNM of this cancer (THE CRIME FAMILY) which has dogged the party for so many years.

The present front runner in this family of criminals is DUANE “Heartless” Sands, who we know behaves as if he is immune to prosecution. He can break laws, get fired for it and resurface as Chairman of the FNM without any shame. And have the gall to question crime in the Bahamas. The man who has been judicially condemned for his exercises in witness tampering in a case.

Break the rules of the Cabinet, issue contracts without authorization, grant millions to a woman who he collected campaign funds from (Barbara Hanna) and then reset himself as some solution to the future of the Free National Movement.

WHO WOULD RID THE FNM OF THIS HEARTLESS DOCTOR who we know has one mission:  to be Prime Minister. 

Well, Bahamas, your Bahamas Press is ready and prepared to rid the FNM of this CRIME FAMILY, which, like a cancer, has eaten deep into the Party for many many years. 

Duane Sands is a Heartless Doctor and we at BP will expose all we know from now to the day of ELECTION!

It ain’t long nah!