Who will stop Ingraham and Christie from SELLING OUT THE BAHAMAS!



Nassau, Bahamas — Ingraham and Christie have given new meaning to the word ‘SELLOUT’. And after 36 years of Independence, The Bahamas is clearly a different place for the ordinary Bahamian.

Our parents and grand parents today would holler in disgust to see what these two political shysters have done to The Bahamas. What do we have left? And where in the world are we as a people headed with this kind of WUTLESS leadership?

goodmans_bay_01We may not know much about financial matters, but we certainly know what is happening when we see Bahamians being shafted day after day by its political leaders, who deny Bahamians the right to opportunity. They’ve both accepted others over Bahamians and we shall explain. Here are some examples:

  • Ingraham gave a multimillion dollar road contract to a bankrupt company during the FNM’s first term in office. This time around he awards another road contract to a company, which went bankrupt while executing multimillion dollar roadworks in Jamaican. And why would Ingraham give it to a foreign contractor when Bahamians just completed the Tonique Darling Highway? He’s a SELLOUT!

  • More than $200 million of public money was used to send BTC workers home in the first FNM term. Ingraham sent home 36 year-olds in an effort to sell a profitable company. BTC was generating $350 million a year. Why would he do this? Because he’s a SELLOUT!

  • Then it was BahaMar on Cable Beach. Christie decided that Baha Mar Resorts was about to build its pipe dream for The Bahamas. The government agreed to sell everything in Cable Beach, including the road, Goodman’s Bay beach, The Development Bank building, The Gaming Board building, The police station, The straw and craft centers and the Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield building [The Bahamian White House] all for $40 million. It was all done on a promise that “NO BAHAMIAN WILL LOSE THEIR JOB!” It was repeated over and over and over. The ads are still running on ZNS with a promise from Baha Mar. Ingraham came into office and gave his approval on the agreement. Months after the deal was inked, Bahamians were being sent home. Fired from the property whilst both leaders made NO COMMENT! They refused to remind Baha Mar of their commitment to the workers. And by March 11th 2009, Baha Mar was telling the public in a press release that it was siging a preliminary construction work agreement the Chinese. And requesting the labour permits for those same asian workers. Once again, in the midst of all this firing and layoffs of Bahamian construction workers, Bahamians are SHAFTED again! And Bahamians ga let that happen in their country? HMMMMMMM! And why is not Christie and Ingraham speaking out? Because they SELLOUT The Bahamas!
  • The same WICKED plot against Bahamians was done when the decision came for Cable Bahamas. And now it’s BEC and BTC time to be sold to foreign interest! SELLOUT!

nad_logoBut what most irks us now about Ingraham and Christie and their sophisticated shafting ways against the people of this country, is their recent decision to deal with the Lynden Pindling International Airport. Now this decision blew our fuse and here’s why. Christie you would remember was the first to cause LPIA to be placed into the hands of a Canadian management team [NAD]. He was confident in his conclusion to do this, confirming NO Bahamian [Even some who run International Universities] could manage the airport. WHAT SHAMEFUL THINKING! NAD’s responsibility was to transform the airport into an international facility. That management team first decision; kicked off property all the small struggling food vendors. Christie and Ingraham said not a word. They then brought in Starbucks, Wendy’s, Dunkin Donuts and the rest of everything foreign. And no one has asked yet, when will a scorched conch stand, a Bamboo Shack, a Rosalees, a Shoal, a Reef, a Twin Brothers and its World Famous Diaquiri or a CocoNuts Bar and Grill – all Bahamian restaurants – will have their place in this same airport facility. And sadly, Christie and Ingraham, again, say not a word!

NAD then had Ingraham increased tax fees on residents and visitors using the facility in the first year of his coming to office.

christie-ingraham-1We now know LPIA will be the largest public sector contract ever issued in the history of The Bahamas, thanks to Christie and Ingraham. But guess what, the contract to do the construction is also awarded to a Canadian firm, now isn’t that strange? We also now know another Canadian firm won the design contract, which cost the taxpayers of this country $10 million to produce. Sound like NAD is a government to itself, helping itself to every deal it could whilst Bahamian contractors and architects sit on the sidelines. Christie and Ingraham, again, say not a word!

The LPIA will cost almost half a billion dollars [BILLION WITH a “B”], and what will Bahamians get out of the deal? We don’t know. We don’t what the Bahamian painters, tile layers, masons, plumbers, electricians, and carpenters will get in construction work, because the entire contract is already given to a Canadian company to produce. We could only cross our fingers, hope, pray, cry, pay our tithes, and stay in church wishing someone from the north [Canada] smile on us.

Some 36 years later and what have we done? Well the evidence is clear, The Bahamas is once again colonized. Its people shackled and chained in their small rented spaces whilst new motherlands plunder, rape and take possession on our virgin territory. Thirty- six years later Inagraham and Christie has once again delivered us as a plantation spot, somewhere in the Atlantic. Both leaders have brought us full circle. Selling us now together, both WHITE AND BLACK, TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER!

They have stacked us deep under the weight of growing mounds of debt, debt our grandchildren will never be able to pay. This is what our generation will leave the new one, unless we change our course. How can men and women sit around a Cabinet room and allow this to happen? How could they be so silent and watch these two sell its people out? How could they sit and see decision day after day, which clearly confirm a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE towards their neighbours and their own friends? Do they really believe only Canadians can build runways and buildings? WHAT A SHAME! WHAT A SHAME! WHAT A SHAME PEOPLE!

Today, we are no longer slaves of Great Britain, but slaves to Canada, Argentina, China, South Africa, Dubai and everyplace else. And guess who has delivered us to this new place of discovery? Yes you guessed it, Ingraham and Christie, whose names are now synonymous with the WORD “SELLOUT”!

We need Change Bahamas!


  1. ronica7,

    The FNM has sold us out and down the gutter ,The residents of saunders beach probably was not aware of what was happening or what exactly was going on until it started …now this dredging does not only concern those residents but it concerns the entire population of New Providence we are only 7 miles across I do not know if that registers with anyone if you have a storm surge that is five miles inland from the Saunders beach area and with the now infamous ghost report that this FNM government is suppressing stating that ” it is not feasible to put the container port there because of the environmental impact that it will have .” then everyone can go figure ….doesn’t this put all of us at risk.

  2. Objective thought, If the residents of the saunders beach area, choose not to speak out, then they have themselves to blame!

    You know in this country everyone seem to lose their voice, when the plp is in opposition.

    Anyone who opposes what the government is doing, can Join, “Save Saunders Beach” on facebook.

  3. The environmentalists, the media and the majority of FNM supporters must think that HI is a god because NONE of the above questions anything that he does or says!!!

    HI is fooling all of us accept those who made sure that he had the funds to win the last general election. HI was brought back to either destroy or change most of the projects that the PLP had on the drawing board and he did just that… As we all can see he is causing problems then solving them and many are calling him a hero, what gullible people we are!!! Well, HI feeds off that!!

    Well let’s move on to the Container Port removal to Arawak Cay. There were several reasons why people wanted the port moved from Down Town. Some of those reasons are:
    (a) The containers were an eyesore.
    (b) The port being Down Town caused traffic to backup.
    (c) The containers were the first thing the cruise passengers see when entering the harbour.

    Well, the containers will now be moved to the mouth of the harbour where it will not only be seen when entering the harbour but it will also become one of the last things seen when leaving the island of New Providence. (containers pile so high) What a memory of New Providence!!

    The traffic will now be moved to another area which is also just as busy the Down Town area. It was also mentioned that the containers will be moved during the night hours. I just can’t understand why the people in that area where they are putting the new highway are not saying anything when all the peace and tranqullity that they have been used to is being taken away!!

    When the port is moved completely to Arawak Cay, it will not only be an eyesore to persons when they go Down Town but it will be a permanent eyesore to the residents of the Saunders Beach area….

  4. Objective : That is a sad shame that HAI missed these celebrations but as they say what shall be shall be

    Kim : I’m with you we must find our back bones this is now a very serious situation with this container port deal …….what price should we pay for the enrichment of a bunch of fat cat’s that don’t give a dam about the well being of the Bahamian people……for the life of me how in the hell can any cabinet minister sit in a meeting and allow our Island and people to be put into harms way like this .

    BP : You have got to put your nose on this one this is too important to just let go we must do something to stop this.

  5. rb75 :ronica7,
    Iam myself truly sorry,The really horrid thing is that we are just standing by and letting this happen …….for the life of me I can’t see how as a people we can let a government get away with this .
    We are a truly lost people in our own homeland by my calculations if the diminishing of our Bahamian society and culture is allowed to be torn down in this fashion and our land sold at any price even if it puts the capital island in danger then we have not only lost but we are deeper in despair than we thought at first.
    Look at the recent Independence celebrations it was mundane and very sol em I did not here from the PM or the Opp Leader it was as this Independence did not even matter…..
    I do not know what we are going to do as a people I feel that we are truly in trouble .

    We as Bahamians are a bunch of passive people. I guess we have been that way for such a long time, it feels like old habits are hard to break. We witness all the destruction that is going on around us and yet we do absolutely nothing to put a stop to it. Our leaders are so arrogant and they feel as if they are not accountable to us, despite the fact it was us who put them in those positions. We need to find our backbones and let our leaders know we will not stand by while they destroy everything that we love as Bahamians, until then they would continue to do their foolishness.

  6. ronica7,

    Iam myself truly sorry,The really horrid thing is that we are just standing by and letting this happen …….for the life of me I can’t see how as a people we can let a government get away with this .

    We are a truly lost people in our own homeland by my calculations if the diminishing of our Bahamian society and culture is allowed to be torn down in this fashion and our land sold at any price even if it puts the capital island in danger then we have not only lost but we are deeper in despair than we thought at first.

    Look at the recent Independence celebrations it was mundane and very sol em I did not here from the PM or the Opp Leader it was as this Independence did not even matter…..

    I do not know what we are going to do as a people I feel that we are truly in trouble .

  7. RB75,

    The apathy amongst our people is amazing! I was on another site yesterday, That is quite supportive of the fnm and all those bloggers could see was plp and fnm. They were more concerned with the political leanings of persons on the committee to “Save Saunders Beach”, moreso than what is happening at Saunders Beach.

    I am truly sorry for us as a people!

  8. ronica7,

    When I found out about what this FNM government is about to do to Saunders Beach I was deeply concerned …their own report that they have done warned them about the dredging and deepening of Arawak Cay the FNM has put our western shore in jeopardy the report has stated that if they dredge the natural seawall that protects the western part of New Providence from prevailing winds if we were to experience a storm.

  9. Objective Thought: That’s my point exactly we already know what we have and if we don’t like it, why should we be stuck with it? If these two are not cutting the mustard, we need to look for new leadership and they don’t have to be young people either, they just need to be honest in their dealings. I say if the new leaders don’t work out, we should replace them as well. We need to stop telling ourselves that only these two men are capable of running this country. When the late Sir Lyden was in power that‘s the same thing people keep telling themselves and that is why he was allowed to rule this country for 25 yrs. Since Sir Lynden there was Hubert, then there was Perry and now Hubert again running the country. We need to stop settling and coping with mediocre leadership and starting searching for leaders who will have our best interest at heart.

  10. Kim Sands :@Objective thought
    There is just so much that I have to do today and I really wish I had the time to sit down and discuss what I think about Perry or Hubert with you, but unfortunately I have to try and see what I could do for myself. I could get into it with you, but what sense that would make? When I know Perry and Hubert don’t give a damn about us. Those two should be financial set whenever they finally decide to leave office; even if they go today I strongly believe they will be ok. The only thing that would probably stop them from enjoying the monies that they have been able to accumulate while they were in office would probably be their health or something beyond their control. Whatever you think about me, to be honest with you it really does not matter. I am very much aware of your devotion to your leader and if you want to go on thinking that every thing he does is well done, like I told you before that is your choice. Don’t try and mix me up!!!

    Be c areful what you wish for because you just might get it!! We know what we have now but we don’t know what we will get!! I prefer EXPERIENCE over YOUTH anyday!!! Youths talk a good talk but can they walk a good walk!!

    Youths take too many chances so I don’t wish to be lead by any of the youths that I see in politics today!!! A word to the wise is sufficient!!!

  11. People, Arawak cay, and its environs that we have come to know and love
    will be no more. The government, along with it’s special interest groupings, are about to decimate the beautiful, and idyllic arawak cay.

    I believe that many marriage proposals, not to mention sexual encounters, were to be had because arawak cay and saunders beach had set the tone.

    Politics aside the fnm, should be ashamed of themselves. If it is a done deal, as Dr. Deveaux says, i believe the unsightly end result, is going to haunt the fnm into posterity!

  12. Rome is burning right in front of our eyes and the very sad thing is that the real Bahamians that are hurting is the middle to lower class ,we have a dire situation here things are getting way worse our economy is contracting rather than expanding our government is in a revenue shortfall and people are getting very desperate.

    We face a situation of epic porportions and we have a government that is leading the ship of state right into an iceberg ,the plan by the FNM was and still is clear have the bay street boys take back control of the economy so that when the good old boys have died out their children will inherit after they have past and folks this is being done and done right in front of our eyes.

    So you can slice it five ways to sunday we are in a heping ,helping shit storm and only the good lord in high heaven can help us out now .

  13. @Objective thought

    There is just so much that I have to do today and I really wish I had the time to sit down and discuss what I think about Perry or Hubert with you, but unfortunately I have to try and see what I could do for myself. I could get into it with you, but what sense that would make? When I know Perry and Hubert don’t give a damn about us. Those two should be financial set whenever they finally decide to leave office; even if they go today I strongly believe they will be ok. The only thing that would probably stop them from enjoying the monies that they have been able to accumulate while they were in office would probably be their health or something beyond their control. Whatever you think about me, to be honest with you it really does not matter. I am very much aware of your devotion to your leader and if you want to go on thinking that every thing he does is well done, like I told you before that is your choice. Don’t try and mix me up!!!

  14. Kim Sands :Media you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. You have written countless in depth articles on both Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham and the things that you have written are facts that can be easily verify. You don’t operate like those other wutless media, you do your research and you are not devoted to any one party and I have seen you exposed both parties’ dirty laundry and there are still some people who prefer to remain in the dark when it comes to those two men. Those people have helped me to understand why these two men continue to do the foolishness that they do. At least I feel good though, because I have a very clear picture when it comes to Perry and Hubert. I personally don’t trust or care for them and I refuse to argue about them. If they sincerely want to help our nation , they both should do the honorable thing and retire, because the late great Michael Jackson said it best when he said, “All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us.” That’s how I honestly view these two men.

    Atleast BP gat you wrapped around his little finger!!! You need to search for the facts yourself and stop being mislead!!! BP has repeated the same LIES so much that you believe that they are facts!!

    BP you might be good but NOT good enough because some people don’t take whatever you say as facts!!!

    But Kim how can a LIE be easily verified???? Boy you are blinded!!!

    Facts are the facts BP!!! But it seems like you are close to the FNM because just like them you seem to prefer a good story over the TRUTH and you gat Kim lost in your LIES!!!!

  15. @Kim Sands

    The Bible did say the rocks vill cry out!!!! Preach it KIM Preach! TESTIFY WHAT YA KNOW HERE!

    Let them BLIND EYE PLPS see their leader is just as WUTLESS as the DEBOL! Preach!!!!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. Media you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. You have written countless in depth articles on both Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham and the things that you have written are facts that can be easily verify. You don’t operate like those other wutless media, you do your research and you are not devoted to any one party and I have seen you exposed both parties’ dirty laundry and there are still some people who prefer to remain in the dark when it comes to those two men. Those people have helped me to understand why these two men continue to do the foolishness that they do. At least I feel good though, because I have a very clear picture when it comes to Perry and Hubert. I personally don’t trust or care for them and I refuse to argue about them. If they sincerely want to help our nation , they both should do the honorable thing and retire, because the late great Michael Jackson said it best when he said, “All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us.” That’s how I honestly view these two men.

  17. BP’s story is half true… PC did NOT give away all those buildings that BP named off… Bahamar was going to rebuild all of those buildings where ever the govt at that time wanted them to be built!!!

    Secondly, 70% of the land in that area were privately owned and were NOT being purchased from the govt.!!!

    Thirdly, Goodmans Bay was NEVER a part of that deal with BahaMar. That was made clear in the Senate By Dion Foulks!! Get your information straight BP and STOP spreading FNM propaganda!!!

    BP, I must say that you are doing your best to keep spreading those same MISINFORMATION that the FNM did during the 2007 election campaign… I see that you just love promoting the FNM… You are trying to keep these LIES in people’s minds as fgacts… Get it right BP!!!



  20. @Big P
    Your right, Media hit the nail square on the head with this post.

    What pains me most is that contract given to that Mexican company! $120 million given to foreigners and we have people here who just built a new high way. If the PLP was in office that contract wouldnt have gone out of the country, they would have broken it down and awared it to bahamian contractors just like they did with the Tonique Williams Darling project.

    I agree with media on that BahMar deal. We gave away too much. Its like trading in gold for silver.

    Media, notice how the HAI government is quietly moving the port to Arawak Cay and redeveloping the area without public consultation? Only a few folk in government and their Bay street merchant friends actually know what is going on because they sat down and hammered out the deal. HAI doesnt want another Clifton sitution. This is the new HAI, he has learned the art of stealth.

    I get soo depressed when i see what is happening all around me. We have leaders who dont believe in their own people. This little country is once again becoming the paradise for everyone else but its residents.

  21. Damn good article BP you hit the nail on the head with this one, its just so sad that most Bahamians are so apathetic to whats going on or they are just color blind, all they see is red or yellow.

    Also Kevin the reason Hubert did’nt give Bobby the cable license is because he wanted it. I am of the stong conviction that Hubert Ingraham is the owner of Cable Bahamas and he used Keeping as a pawn in the deal. Find out how much offshore holding companies these guys have, they do all there deeds through these offshore holding companies in the BVI or Caymans.

  22. I have to rewind and think of THE FATHER OF THE NATION, when we hear these type of things happening in our country.The absolute change in Governing of this country,in my opinion,and the acceptance of anything by the people, reminds me of a portion of what THE LATE SIR PINDLING SAID IN HIS BEND OR BREAK SPEECH IN FREEPORT 42 YRS AGO:
    “I was so concerned in the days when I stood alone. I had hoped that an early change would have been evident by now, but have been severely disappointed. It is a fundamental part of my basic political philosophy that people are more important than things; that men are more important than machines. In this city where, regrettably, almost anything goes, where, promisingly, some economic opportunities have come to Bahamians, Bahamians are nevertheless still the victims of an unbending social order which, if it now refuses to bend, must now be broken”
    Bahamians lets not settle for less,for we are worthy of much much more!!! We have to create a NEW BAHAMAS and the only way we are going to be able to do this,is that,we all have to join hands together to make this a better place.



  24. JEALOUSY IS KILLING BAHAMIANS.In 1994 Bobby Symonette and a group of Bahamians applied for the rights to the cable television licence and mr.Ingraham shouted from a political platform that,”I AIN’T GIVING IT TO BOBBY THEM BECAUSE THEY TOO GREEDY,”end of quote and what was the response of the audience?Tremendous applause thus giving their approvals.IT WAS THEN THAT I REALIZED THAT MR. INGRAHAM DIDNOT WANT BAHAMIANS TO BE SUCCESSFULL,HIS BELIEF IS BAHAMIANS ARE ONLY TO BE MENIAL WORKERS.MR.INGRAHAM HAS NO FAITH IN BAHAMIANS’INTELLECT OR TALENT, TO HIM THE FOREIGNERS’ WATER IS SWEETER EVEN IF THE FOREIGNERS FOUND THE WATER IN OUR COUNTRY.As for mr.Christie,he’s just a little better version of mr.Ingraham with a lot less hatred and malice.IN ALL OF MR.INGRAHAM’S DEALING WITH FOREIGNERS, THE FOREIGNERS ALWAYS GET THE UPPER HAND AND THE MOST BENEFITS,MR.INGRAHAM NEGOTIATES WITH FOREIGNERS AS IF THE BAHAMAS IS A JONSER.The only time mr.Ingraham acts tough is when he is dealing with his fellow Bahamians.The Albany deal was the BEST NEGOTIATED DEAL that any government in the past 40 years has ever negtiated on behalf of the Bahamian people.For this i must give KUDOS TO MR.CHRISTIE,unfortunately mr.Ingraham’s delay and efforts to change this agreement has caused some huge benefits to be forfeited.One of those benefits was an agreement for the government to purchase at BELOW MARKET PRICE SOME 300 ACRES OF LAND.In conclusion i must say they are both sell outs but the difference between them is mr.Christie is a HIGH CLASS PROSTITUTE AS FOR MR. INGRAHAM YOU CAN HAVE HIM FOR THE COST OF ONE BAMBOO SNACK!!!

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