Who will the FNM send against Clay Sweeting the PLP Rockstar Candidate?


Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Our country is challenged socially, some of it is poor parenting and a lack of standards. Those we seek to hold up as leaders must be an example for the next generation to follow. I understand that no one is without sin or perfect. However, that does not excuse us to keep doing the same thing or seek to expand it.

I have heard some issues arising in regard to a candidate or potential candidate in the upcoming elections. It is worrisome and sad if any of it is true and serves as another sad song in politics in our country and a sad commentary on those we seek to put forward as leaders.

In the North Eleuthera community there has been whispers of this and that. Some of those who are younger and not whispering but clearly stating their views with regard to a potential candidate. Many will not support this candidate for the very same reason as the kind of nonsense that it is said to be going on in Nassau. I have heard it clearly “The young dreds ain’ supporting no punks… We don’t do punks”. While that may be upsetting to some, just as some have their right to and say what they wish so do these young people and others throughout the North Eleuthera community.

A potential candidate should not be parading up and down Eleuthera with their same sex partners. It is ridiculous that you wish to lead us, I have children and young boys at that. Why could you not keep that lifestyle hidden? It is not acceptable to the majority and very concerning to me. People took note of it, that week end hang out spot is known and the frolicking must stop!

A couple of years ago, there is a matter that occurred at the school in North Eleuthera and I will comment no further on this; other than to say we will not accept on this island community that type of individual to lead us. Money does no buy our children’s safety, nor a parent’s peace of mind and it certainly cannot cause what we know to be a significant concern for many residents in the area to go away.

I want to be proud of my candidate and possible member of parliament. I wish to be able to say to my children that if you work hard and carry yourself well, one day that could be you. It is hoped that we have that type of candidate anything less will be an awfully sad day in the community.

We require a candidate that has a desire to help our community I wait for a candidate that can excite us and I have not seen the type of dynamic representation we need. Do not get me wrong Hon. Alvin Smith is a good man and I believe he has meant well. However, we have not made the kind of progress in this community that we could and should. I have yet to hear of a candidate that has put forward a vision so we will know what we our getting ourselves into, if one has they need to come and let the community see it.

There a number of persons interested and it will be interesting to see the direction the party takes. The candidate selected must make sense in be demonstrative of the direction the party is seeking to take as it prepares our community for the future and the next generation.

The PLP has selected a candidate that is 26 years old and while he may be no great orator or someone who will excite the masses. He is a young business person who is known to be a striving individual.

I am FNM, but I also reside in Eleuthera and expect that my party will provide us with a candidate that can compete with a young candidate like Clay Sweeting. We all have our preferences, we all have our desires and some of us have great power and influence. We in the FNM need a breath of fresh air, a dynamic individual who will excite the majority of people.

I TRUST that we will do the right thing.


S. Albury