Why are ALIV and URCA together promoting Mobile Number Portability?


If you leave BTC, you cannot return for the next three months with your main number…URCA sets this rule…WHAT IS DIS? Suppose the phone at ALIV goes dead like on last Saturday????

URCA’s Number Portability Ad filled with errors….

Nassau, Bahamas – There is an ad running on national radio, supposedly purchased by URCA, announcing Mobile Number Portability coming April. Now we ain’t sure if the ad is being presented by URCA or by Aliv because there is no tag on the commercial.

We at Bahamas Press have long speculated that there is rank collusion between URCA and Aliv, particularly after we discovered how the wife of the man at the top of URCA was the same person on the Task Force that awarded Aliv its mobile license. But that is another story for another day.

Aliv and URCA are at this hour promoting Mobile Number Portability [MNP] and guess what dat is? With MNP it means you can take your cell number from one mobile carrier to another. Imagine dat?! But here’s the trick: Aliv and URCA – yeah, da two a dem – have decided that if you move your phone number from one company to Aliv, you cannot cancel Aliv witless dutty drop call service and return to your desired mobile company for the next three months.

According to the standards now set up by URCA, this would be the rules that govern Mobile Portability between the major carriers. Something gats to be wrong with this! Residents must begin to ask URCA why, if they are in the business of creating FAIRNESS through COMPETITION, WHY…WHY would they not want or make sure that the consumer can CHOOSE AT WILL which mobile company they can take their mobile number to and if they cancel their service why is it the number cannot return to the original carrier for three months! Y’all see the collusion between URCA and Aliv yet? This isn’t about fairness; dis about trying to tie-up Bahamians like a muffin and endure ‘dutty’ wutless mobile services from Aliv – DAS WHAT DIS IS?

Anyway, I see URCA has a big ad in the newspapers promoting their new Aliv agenda. We hope they would hire us next time to make sure da ad has less errors!

Aliv and URCA gats to be working together against Bahamians…


We report yinner decide!