Where was Mortimer when Bahamians lost businesses in Ingraham’s botched road project?

Nassau, Bahamas — When Chris Mortimer Deputy Leader of the DNA decided to speak with the Tribune this week about the roads, and we wondered what provoked his passions to do such.
The former FNM turned DNA and now businessman is indeed the owner of some as he puts it “successful businesses” in areas where the roadworks are and therefore perhaps, since he has nothing better to do, he now wants to speak with someone in Works on the matter.
It is persons like Mortimer who are tragic disappointments to society. One cannot but ask: why did he not request a meeting when the roads were dig up for more than three years?
Ya gata ask yourself where was Mortimer, and by extension the Tribune, when it was discovered that the roadworks; killed businesses, lost jobs, slowed the economy and committed backside rape on the public with the 100 million dollar overruns?
Where were they?
It makes no sense for Mortimer to begin catching feelings on the roads now because the smooth black tar is beginning to line the way along the newly pegged highway of Prince Charles where his business resides and the project now being forced to an end by the PLP’s viceroy and Christie’s political machinist Philip Brave Davis.
There is no need for any meeting of the minds now. When Mortimer had the chance to do such he failed to do so! But he was FNM then ya see?
It is no question what Davis has done on the roads in 4 months could not be done by the Ingraham administration in four years!
What Mortimer should concern himself with is the fact that when businesses were closed and jobs lost, he never asked for a meeting with Ingraham to discuss the bad project that destroyed the lives of ordinary Bahamians.
He never raised even a whisper nor joined the legal fight of the workers at Jose Cartellone Construction [the contractors for the project].
So why now? Why come out the closet now when everything is about to end and the new government is putting the builders in line?
Chris Mortimer better stop his {BLANK} and go crawl back into his dutty sheet!