Why was the wife of URCA’s Acting CEO Appointed to the Cellular Liberalisation Task Force?


Bahamas Press now has more questions for URCA!

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Nassau, Bahamas – Something stinks in Denmark and it isn’t cheese. Bahamas Press once again presents some serious developments. We are finding deep inside the walls of The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), where we have questioned the decisions of some of its appointed persons who, we believe, are operating on the side of “interests”.

A few weeks ago we pointed out how a top executive at URCA once worked at the registered firm representing Cable Bahamas. That executive now high in the chair is now moving decisions in favour of “THE CLIENT” as that company was awarded a second mobile license. We have information that senior executives of the mobile company are having backdoor meetings with persons inside URCA! But URCA don’t want us talk dat!

Bahamas Press has questioned these maneuvers since 2012, but, ya know, ain’t nobody has listened to us.

And now a big bonfire around the media and across the country has spun out of control. Everyone and dey mah are now questioning URCA as it seeks to muzzle free speech in the country.

Bahamas Press stands by those who have a right to express their views in the Bahamas! And we know soon and very soon those who believe they can stifle free speech will find that they will not be in that office attempting to crush the voices of “Freedom”.

The Bahamas has been a free democratic society for a long while now and we want the foreigners seeking to change that to know that DIS IS DA BAHAMAS BUDDY!

Tonight, we ga give those in the media and personalities on talk shows some information about some things, and we want them to lay that information at the feet of the Government and URCA!

Back on November 12th, 2014, Prime Minister Christie announced how he was about to move his government to issue a second mobile license in the country.

To his credit, mind you, the PM initiated a process to make sure Bahamians were in the know as to what was happening in the awarding of that second mobile license. The PM noted in his press statement that, “…the Task Force has created a website where persons can obtain further details about the Task Force and the selection process on the Government’s website: http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/cellularliberalisation.” Mr. Christie went on to announce the members of that Task Force on the second mobile license.

They were: Ruth Millar, CMG – Chairperson, Rowena Bethel-Vice-Chairperson, James Campbell, Antonio Stubbs, Danya Parker-Wallace, Michelle Grell-Bereaux, Christine Thompson, and Ryan Albury.

Two points: [1] How many of the persons named on here are/were shareholders of Cable Bahamas Limited? [We ga leave that question for those in charge to answer].

[2] Why was it necessary to name Michelle Grell-Bereaux, the wife of URCA’s present Acting CEO Stephen Bereaux, to the Task Force knowing full well that her husband played a major role in the regulation exercises for that new mobile company?

We ain’t no fool! Why were these INCESTUOUS APPOINTMENTS made when we know under the glare of the public conflicts occur? What is this?!

Stephen Bereaux’s office [URCA] is the very entity who wants to censor media in the Bahamas, which is now monitored. He wants to tell it what it can and cannot say. But when his wife was appointed to the TASK FORCE ‘eeeennn’ nobody had a damn thing to say bout dat!

Y’all see how this thing goes in the Bahamas?

Boy, I tell ya … If ya don’t laugh, you will cry!

Stay Tuned More to COME!

We report yinner decide!