Who lit the fire at the landfill seeking to derail progress at the dumpsite?

Nassau, Bahamas — With so many people envious with the success of the Christie Government, some opposing the many projects and reforms underway have resorted to burning down things.
Earlier this week two major blazes – intentionally lit by detractors – occurred. The first was the fire at BAMSI which saw the building worth $2 million burnt to the ground by arsonists.
And around that same time over the weekend, some group, who is known to be against the managers of the Landfill, lit fire to the some 17 acres. This is sad.
What is worse was how this week in the Parliament Neko Grant, who was a part of the last group which was seeking to manage the landfill, decided to – in perfect timing – post questions on the floor of Parliament. [GIVE US A BREAK]!
What is clear is the fact that the new landfill site under new management is finally coming together. Diversification at the site now being carried out by Renew Bahamas is just what the landfill needs to help put an end to fires at the site. This is good for the country and will make it better for all parties involved.
What Neko Grant and those he represents should be asking is this: Who lit the fire…then look in the mirror and perhaps he will find his answer!
We report yinner decide!