'Wifebeater' and modern day charlatan Fredrick McAlpine exposed


the-mcalpines-1<<< Why would a wicked politicians turned wife beater, Fredrick McAlpine, thief another man’s sermon? Bahamas Press says he should hang his head down in shame!

Nassau, Bahamas –- Bahamas Press was not surprise to see the charlatan of Grand Bahama, Fredrick A. McAlpine, carry on like a you-know-what at the FNM Convention early this month. The man who beats his beautiful wife BLACK ‘N’ BLUE throwing her out of the marital home has no respect from us. And it is no surprise to see McAlpine carry on like a complete JACKRABBIT before the nation worshiping idolatry telling the people of the Bahamas to look to Hubert Ingraham and not the one and true living GOD!

The former Grand Bahama preacher’s church was desecrated by Hubert Ingraham when he turned the house of worship into the official Office of the Prime Minister back in 1992. This should have been enough proof for McAlpine to know that the ‘DEBOL’ is a dangerous man. And so McAlpine has moved from preaching against sin to worshiping the sinful, agreeing with sacrilege and engaging in idol worship at the recent FNM convention.

McAlpine should have been a shame to let the Minister of Tourism (his fellow Senator) see him carrying on like a crazed devil worshiper. His abused wife displayed correctness when she watched him from the TV screens the night he addressed the convention; telling him clearly he’s nothing but a actor in a Soap Opera.

Once again your Bahamas Press has new information about this modern day charlatan who walks around in red suits and is now worshiping the devil, ‘Papa Doc’ himself.042270000

In the 80s the late Rev. Dr. Charles Smith allowed McAlpine to preach a sermon at his East and Shirley Street Zion Baptist Church. McAlpine some said burned down the “House” down with a sermon entitle, “I Can’t Loose with the Stuff I Use”. BP was working at a local record store at the time and often collected cassettes of inspirational material and that very same sermon resonated.

Having heard McAlpine that evening a member attending the church that evening said, “Mannnnnnnnn I heard that title before”. But at the time no one could not remember where. Sure enough a tape was found. The audio on the cassette captured the exact sermon by Rev. C. L. Franklyn.

McAlpine had repeated the entire sermon of Franklyn, right down to the examples used by the original author. The cassette was taken to Rev. Smith and when he heard it he said….”My God…leave this right here”. McAlpine was NEVER invited back to Zion to “Act” again.

The question Bahamas Press now has for Fredrick ‘Charlatan’ McAlpine is this, which comedian did he plagiarize that script he read from at the recent FNM Convention?

We cry shame on this man who has no respect for works written and produced by individuals. Shame on you McAlpine! SHAME!


  1. futurevoice :
    I could care less where Glennis is, it ain my business! MY PURPOSE IS TO UNCOVER YOUR LIES!! I am not asking you to publish every single thing, just be sure that whatever you publish is the truth and be ready to admit and retract if you are wrong!
    The facts still remain, you LIED!!!! You cannnot find real stories, so you spend time like a ragsheet in people’s bedroom and in their private business talking about things, you know you will get sued for if you were man enough to say it in public, THAT INCLUDES YOUR RATS TOO.
    Just STOP LYING!!! It ain midday yet and someone on the C.O.B thread is already calling you a liar.
    Mathilda Media, Pied Piper, NOW YOU PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!!!!

    No need to get all hot under the collar futurevoice, we know its rough to come on here and accept truth. The Dutty Toilet paper knows that as well. Bahamas Press has become the iron sore to them. I told you go and find a response to what we told you about that Canadian man gone missing…. What happened? You cannot find a response?

    We have enough editors associated with this blog to take you on word for word. Also more to deal with Carl Bethel, Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie all one time. BLOW BY BLOW trust me we could deal with it. So when you come on here and say, “MY PURPOSE IS TO UNCOVER YOUR LIES!” Replace that and say, “MY PAID Purpose…” We know you!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. @Russell Johnson
    I hate men who beat up on their women. They have very low self esteems and some of them are very wicked they believe in bruising and marking up these beautiful women, so they would appear less attractive to other men. There is no need for men to have these insecurities, once you are a good man, who is come home to your wife when you knock off from work and when you reach there you show her some respect and appreciation a good woman should be able to appreciate something like that and they would never stray, but when you cheating and beating up on them and dragging through the house by their hair and choking them, then I could see why there would be some insecurities on your behalf and why you are not able to trust other men to be around them.

  3. I could care less where Glennis is, it ain my business! MY PURPOSE IS TO UNCOVER YOUR LIES!! I am not asking you to publish every single thing, just be sure that whatever you publish is the truth and be ready to admit and retract if you are wrong!

    The facts still remain, you LIED!!!! You cannnot find real stories, so you spend time like a ragsheet in people’s bedroom and in their private business talking about things, you know you will get sued for if you were man enough to say it in public, THAT INCLUDES YOUR RATS TOO.

    Just STOP LYING!!! It ain midday yet and someone on the C.O.B thread is already calling you a liar.

    Mathilda Media, Pied Piper, NOW YOU PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!!!!

  4. There are some good men in both parties and good people supporting both parties. That said, we get the government we deserve.Preachers have too much influence peddling myths as literal truth. The religions left to us by our uneducated ancestors should be facing much more scrutiny by the educated offspring. We still swallow the lies hook line and sinker because these lies are continually reinforced by both the church and the state. We are a follow fashion, monkey see, monkey do society and go to church and give our hard earned money for collection to keep up with the “Joneses”
    We fail to recognise the church as part of the problem because we think emotionally rather than rationally. Priests and politicians play on this and use religion and politics to divide and rule and we let them in the name of God and country.
    There are more churches and more crime than ever before. Is this relative? Most of the prisoners in Fox Hill have a Bible and could be seen toting it to court with them. Politicians take over the pulpits during election season and claim God is on their side and many claim to speak to and for God. Let’s examine these claims and begin to see things for what they are and not for they way we hope they would be.

  5. Child I heard the first wife left because she cud not take all the women he use to be frolickin around with…she aint no dummy I heard…She must be sitting back and I am sure is happy that she got the hell out while she could have….I think someone says she is living in the USA and ahve her two degrees….well good for her and sad for Glennis

  6. I remember when Slackalphine used to get money from persons as love offerings.He is a slickster and now is trying to put a pillow over the eyes of Bahamians.He will not change his ways because his wife is too sexy and due to his inferiority complex he will always believe that other men want his wife which is quite true.His best defence is to treat her right or dog will eat his lunch and bar him from even speaking to her.I wonder why the first wife left him?

  7. @Russell Johnson
    LOL That was funny…. Glennis Knowles I think is her name she used to be a Miss Bahamas shes very gorgeous. But in all fairness Slackophine might be a wife beater but there’s are also some serious allegations amongst Mr. Robert’s camp.

    Also…. On this site there are too much people who believe in PETTY Politics… always blaming the finger on this party for this and that. TO me that’s a problem and no offense I do see it more on the PLP side. We must stop this blame game and start to work together as ONE. ONE BAHAMAS.

    And to the PLP supporters… its very obvious that there are MORE Die Hard PLP supporters compared to FNM supporters but still they loose the election in their first term…. The PLP must realize they can rule this country but the only thing what stopping/slowing them down is themselves…. They must ANALYZE all of the reasons why the lost the elections in the first place and revamp and find new initiatives to persuade the SWING VOTERS like myself who voted FNM in 07… Perry Christie claimed that he made mistakes and its going to change but other than that HIS ACTIONS FROM NOW til 012 would be the deciding factor.

  8. Slackalphine knows how to sing for his supper.I remember back in 1992 Slackalphine was all over the airwaves complaining that the FNM Govt had victimised him by chaining the doors to his church.He reminds me of a battered woman who returns to her abusive husband and denies he still beats her even though her eyes are always black.PAPA has Slackalphines strings and will continue to pull them.One thing I must give Slackalphine credit for the beauty of his wife exaggerates his ugliness lolo lolo.

  9. Umm…. :So where is Glennis living now…not with Freddie?

    Glennis has to be home with her husband, because I can’t believe he talking and making jokes about everybody else’s business and his wife aint in the home with him. If that’s the case, he has a lot of nerves.

  10. futurevoice :
    @2 cents
    This is only one of the stories where I have taken him to task. I am not obscuring any principals and once again could care less about McAlpine his sermons, speeches or public life. He ain my Pastor and he will answer to God, not me!
    My main purpose in doing this, is to cause Media to tell the truth when posting news and information. I also find the site entertaining and see some things main stream media will not touch. But Media tends to sprinkle some white lies in his black stories. I also believe that you should be responsible in your reporting and not seek to increase your number of readers by lying.
    I believe that if you are man enough to say or write something, you should be man enough to repeat and defend yourself against any actions that may come as a result of your utterances.
    If Media ever dared to repeat some of the things written here in public, his great, great, great, great grand children will be paying for lawsuits.
    I am sure the family of Darrell Clouthier did not find it amusing when Media posted a story which indicated that he may be alive. That family is still seeking answers to the whereabout of their loved one. The posting by his brother to this site seeking info to verify if he was alive was really touching to me!
    All I am asking is that Media publish the truth and do unto others as he would wish others to do unto him!

    People like yourself futurevoice who attempt to come on here and SPIN our information to suit your skewed thinking should know the following:

    1) We take no sides on matters happening here in the country. WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE and you are free to think whatever you wish whether what we say is true or false. We’re the ONLY media here in the country, which allows you the opportunity to cuss us out! We can only tell the story as it is presented to us added with what we have gathered upon our investigation.

    2) On the McAlpine thing all we say to you is this, GO ASK GLENIS WHERE SHE IS LIVING NOW! We say no more on that!

    3) You would know that since our story with Darrell Clouthier was posted someone appearing on this blog says he’s the brother of the said “missing man” has made contact with Bahamas Press. Your BP has provided to you the readers what we know about the case. (A) It has been dropped in MAY this year, (B) A woman charged was beaten black and blue by officers of the RBPF when she was held for 14 days beyond the law, (C) And now the young lady is traumatized following her brutal police attack!

    Outside this what is there to say but report it as we have? We have contacted this so-call-brother and have given him the necessary contacts to attain answers to these developments. Since we have passed those contacts over to him he has yet to tell us or report back to Bahamas Press as to what he has been told. We know for certain he has contacted a particular Minister on this matter, thus, he has used the contacts WE gave to gather more information.

    If you have been following BP futurevoice as others have, you will know this story like Andre Birbal is yet to end. You will know we will have more, MUCH MORE, to say on this. The brother of the missing man says he has not seen his brother in 2 years. Well, according to our source a Bahamian judge has heard from him and the accused, now a free woman, is collecting money from him.

    We want you to know futurevoice we don’t have time to publish every detail piece of information we have on these matters, but what we present today is sufficient to let you know SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE!

    SO don’t attack the messenger, READ the message. We hope you see Bahamas Press allows OPEN, FREE, FAIR and FRANK criticisms in these matters, but we want you to also note how quiet the WUTLESS MEDIA is on this issue.


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  11. @2 cents
    This is only one of the stories where I have taken him to task. I am not obscuring any principals and once again could care less about McAlpine his sermons, speeches or public life. He ain my Pastor and he will answer to God, not me!

    My main purpose in doing this, is to cause Media to tell the truth when posting news and information. I also find the site entertaining and see some things main stream media will not touch. But Media tends to sprinkle some white lies in his black stories. I also believe that you should be responsible in your reporting and not seek to increase your number of readers by lying.

    I believe that if you are man enough to say or write something, you should be man enough to repeat and defend yourself against any actions that may come as a result of your utterances.

    If Media ever dared to repeat some of the things written here in public, his great, great, great, great grand children will be paying for lawsuits.

    I am sure the family of Darrell Clouthier did not find it amusing when Media posted a story which indicated that he may be alive. That family is still seeking answers to the whereabout of their loved one. The posting by his brother to this site seeking info to verify if he was alive was really touching to me!

    All I am asking is that Media publish the truth and do unto others as he would wish others to do unto him!

  12. @Futurevoice
    You seem to be very intelligent and your quoting dates as fact with respect to real estate transactions seems an attempt to obscure a principle and attack a point. Continue to hold BahamasPress feet to the fire if you must because it is not perfect and could use improvement.
    However, I find it the most entertaining forum for Bahamian News and it does a valuable service in exposing corruption and other stories the the Mainstream Media will not touch.
    McAlpine is symptomatic of all priests. They represent a false system. Some are sincere and others corrupt. The fact remains they are all delusional and the people who believe in them are deceived whether they know it or not.

  13. @ future voice
    you made refrence to pied pipers in your response above did you not they are all nursery ryhmes as im sure you know it was a tongue n cheek phrase a turn of word in no way to suggest that you are a piece of wood so lets get back to the topic is Mcalpine fit and proper for public office given his demeanour and public pronouncments???????????????

  14. @media
    Media is that the best you can do to defend yourself and your stories on your own website????, I am not talking about who raped more than five girls, that sounds like a story for the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Looks like you need to go and give them some info to get that rapist behind bars and off the streets.

    Thats ya next story line ah?????

    But back to the meat of the issue, I am talking about you printing the truth and verifying your facts before you shout out BREAKING NEWS!! And for your information, I welcome your site, and in your own words I also welcome (fresh in-depth INVESTIGATIVE perspective when reporting and detailing information.)

    I will continue to hold your feet to the fire and keep reading!!!!!!

  15. We expect nothing more than BLINDNESS from people like Futurevoice. After all, when a person can RAPE more than five girls and get away with it, we at Bahamas Press expect resistance from to our website from people like Futurevoice.

    Keep reading…..

    Bahamas Press/Editor


    For far too long in The Bahamas LIES and Deceit have clouded the country. The few, particularly some veteran journalist, have sold their souls for pieces of silver to their political directorate of preference. As the innocent lie dying from inflicted wounds by a ‘Bias Press’. The Bahamas must know a better way to correct this injustice and wrong inflicted upon its people.

    Bahamas Press Online today, gives birth to a fresh way of presenting commentary, news and discussion in and around The Bahamas. It will present a fresh in-depth INVESTIGATIVE perspective when reporting and detailing information. Our job is simply to place a shining spotlight, on the hidden darken spots of our country, our region and yes even the world. Our role is to seek out this subculture that has hidden in disguise that have yet to be revealed to the nation. Our promise is to present an open, fair, and frank presentation of the news of the day, as we see it.

    Today, The Bahamas is a different place, and for that future unspoken voice yet to be born, we hope to make it a better place. To all our readers, and global family we welcome you to our perspective insight. In this we simply say enjoy.

    See the entire editorial for yourself, just copy and paste in your browser:


  17. MAN STOP TALKING FART, Pinocchio was made of wood, I am real and talk about real facts. Talking about Pinocchio, how long is your nose by now????

    I respect the other media houses because when they are called out for misinformation, they do the right thing and either retract the story, apologize or provide proof to back up their story.

    They have an obligation to report the truth. Journalism has a standard and right now BahamasPress HAS STILL NOT FOUND IT.

    And you brave enough to talk about defending the undefendable?? I speak the truth and my facts are verifiable.

    Peace to you too!

  18. @ future voice
    me and Lou
    Nah nothin nah go so you seemed in collusion with defending the undefendible

    gepeto gat plenty puppets around dese days are you sibling of pinochio
    but you do agree that even big media houses get it wrong at times look up micheal fish 1996 he predicted sunshine on the day the uk had a hurricane in bahamas there are many examples so whats your point you holdin media to the fire yah no vat they say bout fiore haha peace fellow citizen

  19. @Tink we fool
    I am quite aware of the real FACTS and the issues with the leases. Ain’t
    no lies on this end. These are verifiable FACTS!!

    But Media really scraping the bottom of the bucket with this story from the 80,s. However, I don’t care about what McAlpine do or say, nor am I defending him. I am holding Media’s feet to the fire about the truth! second degree burns hurts like hurt!


    The pied piper line really getting long.

  20. @ Furure voice
    could Carraway house and Chancery house not be the cause of the confusion two c’S similiar in pronounciation………..vell anyway the point still stands the man of the cloth should not manage his affairs in the manner he is seeking to do.could you deny the plagiarism accusation in relation to the sermon, or the beatings, or the vulgar diplay at convention i thought he was eddy murphy. Why is he so aligned to politics after all you cant serve two masters is it Hubert or Heavenly father surely you can see the conflict…….

    And while you at it contact ZNS bout that story with the 5 month year old baby which was untrue if you are the voice of the future you sound like a th`row back from the past “Yes sir bosss mentality the people must not discuss things. people in the public domain are liable for public scrutiny if they dont like it we gat plenty water for them to jump into we aint fool nor stupid the man has to answer how he is privledged with the dosier on people’s sexual orientation to bring to the public in his speech on broke wrist dis kind a thing does not pay bills nor advance the country so he need to roll out or talk sense you sound like you defending shite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. @Futurevoice
    You just proved who and what you are! That is why you will ALWAYS be just a “future voice”

  22. @god knowns


  23. @LOU
    You can watch with distain until you have stroke, heart attack or whatever. Respect is earned and who the hell do you think you are???

    This ain’t gat nothing to do with politics, the story about the missing Canadian and Wendall Jones is a prime example.

    It all has to do with Media continually telling those so called “shakey stories” which are nothing more than LIES! THE MAJORITY OF THOSE STORIES DO NOT LEAD TO THE TRUTH, AS A MATTER OF FACT, THEY USUALLY DIE A SILENT DEATH ON THIS SITE.

    It seems like you agree with Media Mathilda telling lies (shakey stories) until he can find some truth!! The new word for lies is (Shakey Stories) Ain’t no excuse to lie, either wait until you have the truth and if there is no truth don’t create a story to attract attention. Remember what happened to Matilda

    For all I know, you may be Media Mathilda. The same way Media Matilda says he will publish stories the wutless media would NOT print, I will uncover lies he will print. I will hold his feet to the fire.

    You are nothing more than another HOOD RAT, in the procession of the pied piper Media Mathilda!!

    Naw yinna ger cause me to revisit every single story ever published on this site and search for the truth!!!!

  24. @god knowns
    Lol!!! You could have sense all the tension in the room aye? Man, they should be use to that by now, because both of them are in the same political party. You know, I don’t blame Freddy if he was trying to keep his eyes on both of them all night, because you know how these old fames is get started so easy, it only takes one little spark to get a fire going. Especially how they were in that hotel setting with them dim lights, when you look she disappears and he can’t find either of them. I know while he was up on the podium dissing everybody and praising Hubert, he was glancing at her every moment to make sure she was still in her seat. That first baby daddy looks like he is a really charmer and smooth talker and plus he is much easier on the eyes than that Freddy.

  25. @futurevoice
    Or who ever the hell you are! I have watched you on this site with much disdain! You need (like the rest of your kind) need to show respect. I agree that sometimes MEDIA stories are a little “shaky” at first, but it eventually leads to truth! All you seem to want to do, is challenge everything on this site! This site is for suggestions and ideas to help make this country “better, better”! Go challenge your “demi god” HAI ! That is where ALL the problem lies right now! This country IS in a damN mess and you come here talkin “rat crap”….! Well mercy me! HAI and his band of “hoolagans” “promised” that they had ALL the solutions (even though the country was doing well) so they need to STOP bullsh.. and come up with solutions NOT ..excuses!! ENOUGH is ENOUGH !! People suffering because of their polices and damn mistakes and they braggin about what they doin fer us bahamians !! They (the govt) help fire, fired and conspired tp fire bahamians and now talkin about training programs, temp jobs etc – it should be in the first place! they would need to train those persons for new jobs if they still had their old ones!! Do you know how many people have lost jobs since the FNM came to govern ? Go look it up, since you like to verify and lay facts on the tables! You probably scared to death about doing that! So just ease up off MEDIA! Media sure brought a lot more light – than you or your “wutless” govt can ever bring this nation – bunch of wimps! Can’t amend criminal laws, but want to introduce Arbritration laws! These fellas think we fool, eh???Just wait till election time….”we comin”

  26. All I can say is “Poor Glennis” but she loves it and is contented with him so therefore our opinions do not matter…let her ‘stew in her own fat’…

    @God Knowns….too funny…

  27. Stop your lies, in 1992 the office of the Prime Minister along with the Administrators Officer was located in Chancery House on the Mall Drive, and did not move from Chancery House until sometime after 1996!!!

    AFTER McAlpine defaulted on the loan for his church, the Caraway building was repossessed and locks placed on the door. The Office of the Prime Minister and the Administrator’s Office had to find a new location as Chauncery House did not renew their lease. The building was rented to the Bahamas Government by a real estate company. The building is now empty and for sale.

    You must know there are people who know the facts and frequents this site. Check your sources because they telling you lies and obviously you are just as bad as your source, you did not even take the time to verify the information !!!!!

    This is your breaking story???? Now I know you have nothing to do and deserves to be labelled as WUTLESS!. MEDIA you need to stop, readers to this site will soon start calling you Mathilda and stop reading you fables.

    Now you tell my info is wrong! Facts are a stubborn thing.

  28. Freddy must be believe he acting in one of them soap operas for true, worshipping idol and marrying these beautiful women and then turning around and mistreating them. I believe his head gone completely this time. Look at the way he conducted himself at that convention, dissing up everybody and then turning around encouraging people to look to Hubert for solutions. All I have to say, Glenyss is one tough cookie, because I don’t know how she copes with him and he seems to be getting worse. The thing is, we only getting little glimpses of what he is all about and it is frightening to say the least. Could you imagine how hard it is be on Glenyss to have to watch him give those speeches and to have to sit there and endure all of that, when she knows within herself that he is under false pretense? You can’t tell me it never cross her mind to walk out on some of those speeches and embarrass him sometimes, but just to try and avoid any drama when they gets home, I believe she is stay and tolerate his foolishness.

  29. dis man is a fraud is he priest or politician i still want know how he aquaint himself with people bedroom buisness was he there did the info come via confession nah dis display of vulgarity superflous and idiotic behaviour bring on the clowns
    [Thine] sole name blisters our tongues.

    Taken from: Macbeth
    [Thou] villainous abominable misleader of youth!

    Taken from: Henry IV, part I

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