Will PLP MP for Bamboo Town resign and deliver another victory for Dr. Hubert Minnis’ FNM?


Pressure from Opposition Leader now confirms meetings between Mr. Christie and Mr. Wells have begun….

Parliamentary Secretary Renward Wells

Who authorized the signing of a half-a-billion dollar letter of intent?

Nassau, Bahamas — If last week was a great week for the Christie PLP Government when public servants got a raise, disabled persons got equal treatment in the law and job creation numbers, according to the Department of Statistics, went up by 9,000 since the PLP won the government in 2012, it was still not enough for the momentum needed by the Party.

Today we got whispers that Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Works, Renward Wells, is to make a statement.

Some believe the comments will come from the Bamboo Town MP confirming that he will resign his post following heated questions by the Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Hubert Minnis, who, in the Parliament last week, brought to national attention questions over a deal signed by the backbencher.

Last week a document that carried the confirmed signature of Wells on a half a billion-dollar letter of intent was circulated. It was noted, however, by the Minister that Wells had no authority to sign the letter on behalf of the Christie Government. A meeting over the matter was had last week; and, from what we understand, the new generation MP who some [INCLUDING BP] saw as the future of the Party might be forced to resign.

Dr. Minnis, in an unending litany of questions tabled in the House, questioned how could such a letter of intent be signed and no one in the government knew? We believe that is impossible!

Maybe the Minister of Works didn’t know – but someone knew. Someone high up in the Government had to have known how big money was being agreed upon by the government.

Here is another crisis at the feet of the Christie Regime. And, with Crisis after Crisis, it appears that the oldest party in the Bahamas is dying with a death by a thousand cuts.

We at Bahamas Press warned the Party months ago about of the troubles now upon it. They didn’t listen. They have taken on advisors who cannot help lift their hand. They have relied on what we described as its “B” team to fight back the tide, and already we can see that clearly there is an editorial tsunami rolling in on the Christie Government.

From Ishmael Lightbourne to Rodney Smith to now Renward Wells – as the young people say, “dis ga be long” Three more years and counting long.

The missteps and hiccups reminds us of a dying diabetic patient relying on his dialysis, who added in his bucket list to play in the World Cup – knowing that this was impossible he took his doctor’s advice to put his affairs in order. We believe the New Regime must do the same.

This is certainly not how the story ends – this, we believe, is just the beginning of the end or, as Churchill would put it, “the end of the beginning.”

We report yinner decide!