Winners of Logo Design Competition for 19th of Commonwealth Education Conference Ministers awarded

Damaso Gray, 4th place finisher in the logo design contest in the 19thCommonwealth Education Ministers receives his prizes. Pictured from left is Ambrose Fernander, Ministry of Tourism; Nicole Campbell, Permanent Secretary; Mr. Gray and Marcellus Taylor, Deputy Director. from left 2nd Conference of - BIS Photo/Patrick Hanna.

Nassau, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology announced the winner and finalists of the logo design competition for the 19thof Commonwealth Education Ministers (19CCEM) and unveiled their submissions during a press conference, July 28.
Daniel Hanna’s maypole design signifying the unity of all participating countries in the 19CCEM to be held in The Bahamas from June 22-26, 2015 was the overall winning entry.

“It is a collective product that signifies unity. It does not matter the paths that cross around the maypole, they merge and mesh,” said Hanna of the 1000 delegates expected to participate in the conference.”

Hanna received a Samsung Galaxy S5, a Mini iPad and $1,000 cash prize. Damasco Gray, the 2nd place winner received a Samsung Galaxy 5 and $750 and Daniel Williams, third place finisher, won a Samsung Galaxy 5 and $500.

Attracting some 50 entries including submissions from artists in several Family Islands, Jerome Fitzgerald, Minister of Education, Science and Technology described the competition as a “national undertaking”.

“This logo will tell the world that the 19thin The Bahamas,” said Minister Fitzgerald. “After its unveiling today, it will appear on all literature, bags, shirts, paraphernalia and in all print and digital media including  CCEM is being held the website and Facebook page associated with the conference.”

The Education Minister said the logo identifies the conference and allows The Bahamas, as the host country, to brand it in a unique way.

“In addition to proclaiming the theme, Quality Education for Equitable Development: Performance, Paths and Productivity”, the artists had to show the importance and the inter-connectedness of these elements to education leaders and the 2.2 billion citizens of the Commonwealth,” he said.

He reiterated that the conference will facilitate the exchange of best practices in education, promote goodwill and foster mutual respect and cooperation between delegates and member states.

The conference, which will be held at Atlantis, Paradise Island, is intended to:*increase the understanding of Commonwealth ministers and senior officials of critical issues in education;*examine barriers to equity, access and quality education and identify key enabling factors to address these issues;*gain the commitment of Ministers to specific actions identified at the conference and*discuss the process for aligning plans and strategies to support the achievement of the new goals and targets of the Post-2015 education development framework within the Commonwealth’s priorities, processes and platforms.