Woman beaten black and blue by boyfriend… BP takes the community into the home of the victim…


Young persons in this community must learn how to resolve conflicts!

Young people must learn how to resolve conflicts! Young girl shown here beaten by this JACKASS then sent the video to her friend. This level of abuse is WICKED!
Young people must learn how to resolve conflicts! Young girl shown here beaten by this JACKASS then sent the video to her friend. This level of abuse is WICKED!

Nassau, Bahamas – So just this week in two articles we at Bahamas Press stressed why there are serious problems on the ground as young people don’t know how to resolve conflicts.

Today, we examined an audio, which confirmed just what we said. Circulating right now online is a young woman being badly abused by a man known to her. Badly beaten. This is not good. And we wonder why some women are found dead in a home or a man shot-up in a car? On this point remember, Arial Lowe, a murdered victim beaten to death by her accused female lover. The case we still await to hear the details.

But following this audio of the victim there is a response from her second lover telling the abuser he must watch his back because he is a ‘hit man’ – that word again.

Look what getting in love with the wrong company does do the parties. BP is standing live….

We report yinner decide!

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