“Women in Bahamas Parliament Finally Speak Up”



One woman on the governing side finally displayed tenacity, beyond the scope of party lines, when presenting in the House of Assembly last week during the debate on the upcoming constitutional referendum on equality.

Glenys Hanna-Martin set the tone with a very thorough presentation on the proposed amendments. I missed Melanie Griffin’s contribution, but caught Hope Strachan’s. She addressed comments made by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, then spoke very assertively. She did not hide her displeasure with comments that were made to the press. Leslie Miller muttered comments from his seat and, at some point, threw up his hands in apparent disbelief. While Hope Strachan did not call his name, Mr. Miller’s behaviour clearly indicated that he thought she was speaking about statements he had made to the press regarding one of the proposed bill amendments.

My personal opinion is that our laws should ensure equal opportunity and protection against discrimination regardless of sex.

While our focus as citizens right now should be to educate ourselves on the proposed bill amendments for the November 6, 2014 constitutional referendum, we must no longer sit by idly and allow ourselves to be subject to questionable leadership. Bahamian men and women, boys and girls alike, should be entitled to accountable, transparent and good governance. This is OUR equal right.

Terneille Burrows