Workers at BAIC claim suppression at BAIC! Staff Morale low at Corporation…


Hon. Michael Foulkes MP for Golden Gates and Chairman of BAIC.

Nassau – Public servants have been ringing the BP lines off the hook and we can report employees at BAIC tell us they can’t take it no more under the rule of Chairman Michael “RUN FROM FLORIDA” Foulkes.

Sources now tell us Executive Management at the Corporation has taken away all mileage and phone allowances from their pay. They report morale is at an all-time-low and, “BP, we even hate going to work as there is a spirit of depression and suppression here at BAIC.”

The source said the staff injustices are mounting and “we feel as if we have gone backwards some 40 years in one year.” Kingsley Ferguson, our Union Head, isn’t worth cow dung! “He is a loser only interested in cozying up with the executive management at BAIC who are now beating workers with their batons of power.”

All we at BP say is this: It’s these people’s time!

We report yinner decide!