Nassau, The Bahamas – Approximately 7.6 of the 15.7 miles of road under the New Providence Road Improvement Project (NPRIP) are substantially complete and 6.2 miles of road have been covered with the first layer of asphalt, Ministry of Works officials have announced.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Works and Urban Development (MOW) the Hon. Philip Brave Davis led media representatives on a bus tour of various areas in the Road Project, to provide a visual update on the status of the NPRIP.
Joining the tour on July 18 was the Hon. Renward Wells, Parliamentary Secretary and MOW senior officials including Colin Higgs, Permanent Secretary, Khader Alikhan, Project Coordinator, and Joy John, engineer. Representatives of Mott MacDonald, project engineers and Jose Cartellone Construcciones Civiles, contractor, were also present.
The guided tour included updates of ongoing works on Market Street, Baillou Hill Road, Robinson Road/Old Trail intersection, Soldier Road, Wulff/Kemp and Village Roads /Prince Charles Drive and Fox Hill Road.
Minister Davis said the project is expected to be complete by the end of October and to assist with expediting the remaining works, the MOW intends to take advantage of lower traffic volumes during July and August.
“This will enable the contractors to complete as much of the remaining underground works and road paving as possible prior to the reopening of schools in September,” he said.

He advised the public that traffic diversion plans will be in place in areas where road closures are scheduled and local access will be maintained for residents and business owners in these areas.
Motorists are urged to pay attention to public announcements and to exercise caution when driving in the areas where work continues.
Along with road rebuilding and paving works, the NPRIP includes supply and installation of water transmission and distribution mains and service laterals along road corridors identified for construction. Originally valued at $119 million, the project is now estimated to cost $206 million when completed.
Road closures will take place on the following roads from now until completion of the project:
*Between Soldier Road and Old Trail Roads, Wulff/Bernard and Solider Roads and at Marathon and Wulff Road roundabout.
*Lane closures on Baillou Hill Road South to install sidewalks etc.
*Sections of Baillou Hill Road North from Duke to Meadow Street will be closed to complete paving works.
*Lane closures will be put in effect on Market Street to complete installation of sidewalks etc.

*Road closures at the intersection of Soldier Road South/Robinson Road and Robinson Road/Old Trail Road intersection. Lane closures will be implemented at Beatrice Avenue to Wilson Way and from Academy Street to Winters Road to complete paving works.
*Fox Hill Road North/Prince Charles Drive is currently closed to complete all underground works at the intersection. Once this is completed, localised lane closure will be implemented to construct sidewalks etc.
*Partial road closure on Wulff/Marathon Road roundabout for installation of underground utilities and full closure of the roundabout is expected during the road construction phase.
*The works within the road closure at the roundabout at Wulff Road between Kemp and Village Roads are at an advanced stage. While localised lane closure is expected on Bernard Road, two-way traffic will be maintained.