WSC announced a second wave of promotions to further divide staff – Some workers only in WSC for one year promoted!


Some workers who have been in WSC for 10 years still overlooked by Chairman!

WSC Executive Chairman Adrian Gibson and Union President Dwayne Woods.

NASSAU| Water and Sewerage Executive Chairman Adrian Gibson made tensions between Unions and the Executive Management worse on Wednesday after promotions to loyal supporters and snitches were announced.

WSC staff was issued a circular announcing all of Gibson’s cronies promoted; some who have just joined the corporation in the past year and hired under his wutless leadership.

Some staff who have served in the corporation for more than ten years were spitting tobacco and ‘cussin’ in the hallways following the announcement.

Meanwhile WSC has appointed John Bowleg, who was on sabbatical from the BEST Commission for year, to head up its Internal Compliance and Control Division. Bowleg is not an accountant so he won’t know if WSC is holding itself compliant to corporate standards. But who cares these days? Adrian Gibson behaves like a two-year-old and is playing around with the standards which protect the corporation.

The company has no in-house legal officer and has engaged a firm outside. Guess who that is?

WSC also has no appointed Chief Financial Officer to make sure all the governance as related to its finances are adhered to. But who cares? The two-year-old is in charge!

Anyway we report yinner decide!