WSC spreads Christmas cheer at Senior Citizens Center


Clients of the Yellow Elder Senior Citizens Center and their staff gather around the Christmas Tree to receive gifts donated and delivered by the Water & Sewerage Corporation (Photograph courtesy of Ronnie Archer)

Nassau, New Providence – While Christmas is traditionally a time for food, friends and family, some of our country’s elderly and most vulnerable citizens are often those who do not have holiday luxuries. With that in mind, the Water & Sewerage Corporation set out to bring holiday cheer to patients of the Yellow Elder Senior Citizens’ Center. Armed with gifts, games, Christmas carols as well as a traditional holiday meal with all the fixings, the team of WSC volunteers visited with those at the center to spread much needed Christmas cheer.

“This is a dream come true for our seniors,” said Yellow Elder Center Administrator, Veronica Hamilton. “Like everyone else, they love receiving gifts during the yuletide season, so we are very pleased to welcome the Water & Sewerage Corporation, and we are very happy that they thought of our patients at Christmas time.”

The facility which functions as a Day Care center catering to persons 60 years and older, is a branch of the Department of Social Services and is open Monday to Friday as a resource for families who cannot afford, or do not have access to private care for their loved ones during the week, while family members are at work or school.

“In our very modern society it is often easy to overlook the elderly among us” said WSC PR Department Assistant Supervisor Devin Griffin, “some of our senior citizens can sometimes feel forgotten or even neglected and so we really wanted to do something to make the clients at the Senior Citizen Center feel special” she said.

The center’s main hall was transformed into a holiday wonderland featuring a beautifully decorated tree, floral arrangements and bright colorful lights.

More than a dozen of the center’s patients was treated to Christmas carols and dancing before sitting down to a specially prepared lunch during which time they were able to chat with their guests and each other all while celebrating the reason for the Christmas season.

“It really is an amazing experience to have the chance to sit and chat with these precious gems” noted Ms. Griffin. “It’s about more than just bringing presents, but it’s really about making these men and women feel appreciated and loved at Christmas.”

One of the center’s energetic clients challenges members of the WSC team to a dance-off during a rousing session of Christmas Carols. (Photograph courtesy of Ronnie Archer)

Staff from the Yellow Elder Senior Citizens’ Center pose along with volunteer team from the Water & Sewerage Corporation during a special holiday visit and luncheon on December 11. (Photograph courtesy of Ronnie Archer).