Media now want talk about crime when they had five years to do it!
Nassau, Bahamas — It is no coincidence to see how all of the members of the WUTLESS MEDIA in the Bahamas are now focusing on the issue of crime since May 7th – six weeks ago.
Everyday in the press they have finally made the message of “CRIME” the watch word for every citizen, highlighting interviews with victims and following the police at every turn.
All of a sudden lately, out of no where, members of the WUTLESS MEDIA have taken its holy war against the new government to the editorial pages [more than likely written and directed by Hubert Ingraham].
They should know we don’t trust dem nor Hubert Ingraham!
But six weeks ago crime was not their focus at all. In fact, they were busy about oil and the boogieman of Christie and the PLP.
Six weeks ago incidents of crime could not grip the headlines of these newspapers and tv networks, because, according to them, Urban Renewal was a failure and 2.0 would be a disaster.
Today they are on the payroll of the FNM, as reported by BP three weeks ago, castigating the work of the police force, creating fear amongst single women and attacking ministers, new ministers who only took office six weeks ago.
Bahamas Press is asking those in the media: you don’t have to show us your allegiance, you should have done what you are doing now more than six weeks ago when the Bahamas experienced its bloodiest five years in its history.
When more than four years of record murders were reported under Hubert Ingraham, where was the media?
A woman was murdered while nursing her baby and the media was silent on the incident. Now they want talk about crime? Man we know how wutless yinner was!
When 305 plus murderers on bail for murder walked around committing crimes over and over again, where was the media? MUMs da word!
When there was the slaughter of guests and students in schools, where was the media? Against School Policing we would say.
When there was the rape of children all across this country including one committed by a Cabinet Minister’s son at a prestigious school in the east – where was the WUTLESS MEDIA then?
They refused to report it as if it never happened.
When shots rang out on a young woman who was visiting the Bahamas and she was shot and drowned in her own blood while nursing her baby, where was the voice of the WUTLESS MEDIA?
That attack against that woman was over a cell phone? The wutless media never ever followed up that report, and we believe the attacker is still lurking on the streets today.
But before May 7th you couldn’t trust the wutless media ‘dem’ to report it! NOT DEM!
Where was the media when women all across this country could not find justice for their daughters who were being slaughtered week after week [Bishop Johnson’s daughter in Fox Hill, Nelle Brown-Cox, the young girl found in the dumpster in South Beach, the two women shot to death while they slept with their young babies still in the womb], where was the damn wutless gutless media in the Bahamas!
They were not calling into radio shows alarming the public then on what the police were hiding. So what has changed? Only the Government!
And where was the wutless media when a female police officer’s home was broken into last year in the Faith Avenue area? We wonder if they remember how that officer was so traumatized by that rape that she desired to leave the force. Where was the wutless media last year?
Only Bahamas Press reported the incident and it was hidden like a needle in a haystack by the wutless media ‘dem’ – ‘YINNER GATS’ NO DAMN SHAME!
Now you want write editorial about crime?
Editorial pages were too neat to discuss the matters prior May 7th, 2012, yet now, ALL OF A SUDDEN, crime is ya focus?
As the Abaco SISSY [Ingraham] would say: “‘Chil’ Please”!
‘Yinner’ gat some nerve! ‘Yinner’ gat some guts to come to the public shouting “CRIME”!