Man found dead at door of morgue…

We have learnt that Forbes, who worked for the Ministry of Education in the security department at the Doris Johnson High School, had signed up for a security night job at D. M. Security. Money was tight and Forbes, in setting his goals, wanted to make some extra cash – but his misfortunes unfolded in that evening job and we know he had not signed up for what was to come.
Get this: two weeks ago Forbes was making rounds on his evening job when it was reported he, being fatigued, fell [perhaps from sleep], and dangerously landed on his head during that fall; knocking himself out cold.
He was transported to the Accident and Emergency section at PMH. And, by some mistake and human error, some jackass decided to take the live man out of A&E and deposit him into the morgue with all the dead. THIS MUST BE HALLOWEEN – WHAT IN DA HELL IS DIS?!
As staff for the morgue section arrived the following morning, they met Forbes on the ground, at the door of the morgue, in a failed attempt to get out of the locked door!
Sources tell us Forbes, they believe, awoke in the morgue and could not get out and there he died; never getting his needed medical attention. How sad.
Could it be negligence?
All we know is that another young man is headed to the graveyard and his untimely demise was not done by a knife or bullet. Someone must investigate this!
We pray for the family, and that his soul through Jesus, may rest in peace.
We report yinner decide!