Young 7-year-old child shot dead in Nassau Village tonight in driveby…


NASSAU| BP is now confirming we have a homicide in the Alexandria Boulevard area of Nassau Village – the 53rd for the year.

We can report a drive-by in the area took the life of a 7 year-old after gunmen pulled up on a group and opened fire on a male.

That male was struck to the upper body and the child was shot in the neck with a bullet from an AK_47 automatic weapon.

The child has died a short time later. The condition of the male is still unknown.

Second shooting in Ridgeland Park takes down Stephen “Die” Stubbs nephew!

BP is reporting a male shot a short while ago in Ridgeland Park area.

Now, Ridgeland is that community which runs EAST behind the Town Centre Mall. South of Robinson Road and North of the East West Highway.

The condition of the victim is not known at this time.

We are learning that this victim is the nephew of Stephen “Die” Stubbs.

Now if they has invested in BP and NOT SPOTSHOTTER the shooters might have been caught by now.

We report yinner decide!