Young Davrielle Burrows publishes her first novel – Finally Bahamians are writing!!!

Davrielle Burrows

NASSAU, Bahamas – Davrielle Burrows, a 23 year old Bahamian author has recently released her first novel entitled “Never Been Kissed” and  is hosting the official launch and book signing on Friday August 16th. The event will be held at Starbucks in the Harbour Bay Shopping Centre beginning at 6pm. There is no cost for the event and members of the general public are welcome to attend.

“Never Been Kissed” is Burrows’ second book, but first work of fiction. This most recent work is the first in a three part series entitled “Looking for Addison.”  The books center around a character named Heather Thompson, a sweet, yet naive teenager from the Bahamas.

The engaging trilogy follows Heather and her friends along her faith-filled journey toward self-discovery, self-acceptance and finding love which is sparked as she grapples with overwhelming feelings for high school crush, Addison Carter.

Books 2 and 3 in the series are scheduled for release within 18 months.  So far the books have been sold in The Bahamas, the United States and the United Kingdom and the response from readers has been extremely positive. Some of the reviews include: “It was an awesome read!”, “Looking for Addison: Never Been Kissed is entertaining and exciting; a must read for all teenage girls!”,“(The writer)” Skillfully uses dialogue in a captivating way…”

Currently Burrows works in media full time but writes in her spare time. Her first book “What Lies Beneath the Surface” was a poetry collaboration with Tebuwnah Burrows and Frecinda Mullings. Burrows hopes that this latest work will primarily entertain but also encourage young people, particular young women to embrace their unique strengths and beauty and bring wisdom and confidence into their search for love. With numerous cultural references she also wishes to draw attention to the trends and environment endemic to the Bahamas while engaging an international audience by discussing many of the universal dynamics of adolescence.