Girl is traffic mishap now out of coma


Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press can confirm that one of the three passengers sent to hospital following this week’s tragic car crash on Yamacraw Hill Road is showing signs of improvement.

Ashanti T. Johnson, of Eleuthera, opened her eyes and began responding today after being in a coma following the accident which claimed the life of fellow passenger Germaine Jeron Forbes, 18, of Bamboo Boulevard.

Johnson, Forbes along with another male and female were travelling west on Yamacraw Hill Road around 9:30pm Tuesday night in a green 2004 Cadillac Seville, when the driver lost control of the car and crashed into a cedar tree.


  1. @Krossova
    Yea you may laugh but from someone who spends alot of time in old fort bay id have you to know that there is a double standard on this little island. If the garbage truck drivers can pick up your waste basket and not only put it back but put large garbage bags in it to keep the area neat and tidy in a certain area why cant they do it in others. I’ll tell you why. Because those people in that area live by a certain standard, alot of those people also NEVER leave the confines of their area other than trips downtown or p.i at furthest. wanna know why. THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO SEPARATE THEMSELVES FROM THE FOOLISHNESS AND THE NASTY SLACK MENTALITY THAT IS PLAGUING THE BEAUTIFUL BAHAMAS. so you laugh if you find it funny.

  2. My condolences to Jermaines family. He was a lil buddy of mine on facebook. Will be greatly missed. I agree that govt need to enforce the seatbelt laws. i was just having this conversation yesterday with my co worker. When they first implemented this law it didnt last for 2 months before everyting was back to normal. I think its really effed up that we have ppl in power who pass laws but never enforce them. this just goes to show what is wrong with this country. the ppl in charge are all lousy and pathetic black motheryou know whats. they never maintain nothin, never enforce nothing and they have no friggin idea what it means to be CONSISTENT. I am honestly tired of talkin about it. Made up my mind to get piece of property in lyford hills and serperate myself from these jack asses.

    • lyford hills, lol…. pardon my laughter on such a serious matter.but, future, I  doubt moving to lyford hill will allow you to escape the ” J.A’s”……..I wish to join in and extend condolences to Royann Forbes-Darville and her family as they seek to cope with their loss.

  3. So sorry for the loss of a promising young person.. Happy to hear that the others are recovering. They will need counseling to get thru the loss of their friend!

  4. Its so sad my condolences to all of the family. And too the comment stated by MEDIA that wasnt called for to bring out a statement like that. Royann Forbes-Darville and Family stay strong!

  5. BP, this is why the government has to make seatbelt laws enforceable and let everyone know how people truly die in car accidents: The get thrown from the car, most times through the front windshield. That won’t happen if they are wearing seatbelts. Also, these cars they bring in from the states that have already crashed don’t always have airbags that work. Someone needs to get this out.

  6. The victim in this traffic fatality is my nephew. He was a caring person who loved animals;took in stray cats, reared a pig in his back yard and wanted desperately to have a goat.A lot of times search for something good to say about a loved one who has past, in this case he was sincerely a good human being who loved life and people.Germaine is the last of three children, he had a bright future ahead of him, one on many young men who walked the straight and narrow road. He did not do drugs nor was he in a gang..He was a good guy, sadly missed by family and friends..memories of his life will forever be cherished in our hearts. AuntRAF

      • BP I’m not sure if your response was necessary to the above writer. I don’t think this person was trying to blame you (BP) for anything. She was just speaking good of her deceased loved one. And even if she was responding to some misunderstanding, be the bigger person and empathize with a grieving relative by simply sending out your condolences to the family for this tragic event. Now I know you won’t take this personal!

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