Where is the Christian Council DEM? Where are the preachers on this?

NASSAU| A young Christian man was harassed by police officers and fined $250 as he was attempting to preach God’s word during this time of crisis.
Apostle Hanna, 21, has been preaching in his Faith Avenue community since he was a young boy.
He was on the outside trying to minister to and uplift other youngsters during the ongoing health and economic crisis when police showed up on Cowpen Road and Faith Avenue on Wednesday and wrote him up for not wearing a mask.
According to the ticket, Apostle Hanna can waive his appearance in the Magistrates Court by paying a $250 fine at the Magistrates Court Complex on Nassau Street before October 30, 2020.
In the Bahamas Bahamians are getting tickets for preaching while the illegals carrying your fish out the sea and building shantytown go untouched!
Only in the Bahamas under Minnis! BUT YALL AIN’T GET IT YET…SO CARRY ON.