ZNS staffer on FNM payroll to control news against the Government in bye election


Murphy Town, Abaco — A ZNS staffer is once again on the payroll of the FNM and is seeking to use the station to work against the government.

This weekend the staffer, along with a camera crew, traveled to North Abaco to interview the unknown candidate for the FNM in the upcoming bye-election.

Following the interview, which was aired in ZNS Monday morning newscast, the staffer realized the interview could not be aired unless a balanced interview was given for the PLP candidate.

Stressed out to fix the story the staffer then went into the archive and patched an interview with PLP candidate Renardo Curry aired last week.

What Bahamas Press finds amazing is the fact that while the staffer few to North Abaco to interview the FNM unknown, professional courtesies should have also been extended to all candidates running in the October 15th race.

But nooooo! ZNS has not changed and devious unprofessional staffers still lurk in the BCB, hoping Hubert Ingraham can return so they can jet around the country without submitting anything fresh and new in the newscast.

Desperate to win, but destine to lose!

We report yinner decide!