ZNS suspends Immediate Response

Chrissy Love former host of the new Immediate Response Show on Zns 1540AM

Press Statement on Immediate Response

The Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas announced today that it has mutually agreed with Ms. Christina “Chrissy Love”, host of the radio show, Immediate Response, to end their contractual agreement.

The Corporation wishes to remind the public that it is committed to ensuring that it provides listeners with public service programming that sets the bar for professional broadcast quality.


  1. she needed to go she is so rude to any one who does not see it her way and worse if its a man. think she knows why she divorced?

  2. Child Please!!!! She lasted long at ZNS. I expected her to go long time. She believes that she is smarter than everyone.
    Good riddens!!!!

  3. It’s very sad to know that as bahamians we can’t be
    professional about our choice. Mr Hubert Ingraham victimize Mr McKinney now the Prime Minister suspends
    Immediate Response. All the Prime Minister had too do was talk to her about her broadcasting because we are ALL BAHAMIANS. Thanks sorry about that Ms Chrissy Love

  4. It’s very sad to know that as bahamians we can’t be
    professional about our choice. Mr Hubert Ingraham victimize Mr McKinney now the Prime Minister suspends
    Immediate Response. All the Prime Minister had too do is talk to her about her broadcasting because we are ALL BAHAMIANS. Thanks sorry about that Ms Chrissy Love

  5. It’s very sad to know that as bahamians we can’t be
    professional about our choice. Mr Hubert Ingraham victimize Mr McKinney now the Prime Minister suspends
    Immediate Response. All the Prime Minister had too do is talk to her about her broadcasting because we are ALL BAHAMIANS. Thanks sorry about that Ms Chrissy Love

  6. She was very “rude” and if one can disrespect the prime minister that God has choose to lead the people then why not. I hope where ever she goes, that she has indeed learned a great lesson from this. No one is above the law. We are one people if we stand together. As a reminder when the FNM won they did the same to Steve McKinney, but Steve McKinney did not tell the Prime minister to “kiss his rear end”. She is one big fat educated ” fool” Young lady you will not do well if you continue in that path. Respect & manners takes you through the world and if you feel like what you did is good, your dead wrong, I hope this guilty feeling hunt you for the rest of your life. Please do not walk with your head held high as if you did something good, don’t be a proud fool, you should be a shame of your self. No wonder you can’t find a real man your attitude “sucks”. Who told her that the FNM was going to be in power forever?

  7. She was very “rude” and if one can disrespect the prime minister that God has choose to lead the people then why not. I hope where ever she goes, that she has indeed learned a great lesson from this. No one is above the law. We are one people if we stand together. As a reminder when the FNM won they did the same to Steve McKinney, but Steve McKinney did not tell the Prime minister to “kiss his rear end”. She is one big fat educated ” fool” Young lady you will not do well if you continue in that path. Respect & manners takes you through the world and if you feel like what you did is good, your dead wrong, I hope this guilty feeling hunt you for the rest of your life. Please do not walk with your head held high as if you did something good, don’t be a proud fool, you should be a shame of your self. No wonder you can’t find a real man your attitude “sucks”. Who told her that the FNM was going to be in power forever?

  8. Mutual? Somehow I don’t believe that when she was told that if the PLP won she would be one of the first to go.

    I guess it begins from Day 1……. BP I hope your mouth is hard and your stories come as fast as you publish all of those illegally gotten documents when corruption occurs like you were doing in lightning haste when the FNM was the Government. Somehow I expect you to be MUTE and MEEK like when Perry Christie was expelled out of the PLP in the late 1980s.

  9. They need to take her azz out of that chair, every morning she comes in that studio with her stinking attitude and saying whatever it is that is on top of her head over the airwave without no regard as to who she is offending. Cousin Kelsey can’t be please to see the embarrassment she turned out to be. If he could have seen far ahead the mess she would have turned out to be, he probably wouldn’t have bother to give her a job there to begin with. That’s why you see some people don’t like helping out family and people who they know, because some of these people is turn right around and make you shame man! Then, she’s always acting like she is better than everybody else and hating on these jungalists and trying to make them feel bad about themselves. She need to show those jungalists some more respect, because most of them is conduct themselves way better than her anyway. Most of the time when you see a jungalist really carrying on bad, it is either because somebody gone fool with one of their man or one nigger promise them some monies and he didn’t bring it on time. Otherwise than that, they cool and they don‘t fool with nobody, but Chrissy on the other hand always b*tching and carrying on and trying her best to be nasty and insulting to others. She is a very bitter and hateful person. She might have a couple of degrees she struggled to get and they maybe getting to her head, but they still don’t mean anything to anyone if she doesn’t know how to conduct herself and act professional. It’s probably better for her to start her own business and work for herself anyway, because with that attitude I can‘t see much people wanting to deal with her. When I think about how hard Darrel Miller and Steve McKinney work to build up that show and she came right there and drag it through the mud, it is just awful. The other day ACE Newbold was filling in for her, I thought he did a remarkable job. I hope they get someone who is as professional as him to replace her. Either way, I am just happy they took that angry black woman of the radio. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors, but please go and don’t ever come back!

  10. I am glad to see her go. Christina was too bold and disrespectful. When you are on the air there are many persons who listens to what is being said and are not pleased with what is being said. The remark she made about putting her feet up and opening her legs was disgusting to say the least! Is should come as no surprise that we as a country is in the state we are in when persons who are to hold themselves up to a higher standard are acting like gutter rats. This should serve as a warning to all persons in the public to act in a manner becoming your position.

  11. BCB The Bahamas today is quite relieved of this lady who tend to ut down our Bahamians. We might not all have been able to attend college, but we are a good race of people. New Government that is a good start for no tolerance of evil and bad karma. We don’t need to hear her anymoreeeeeeee!

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