Zonta Club of Nassau is set to honour Patricia Francis and some 10 other women this Sunday at Barmoral….

Patricia Francis

NASSAU| Some eleven distinguished women will be honoured at 2 pm by ZONTA of Nassau at Barmoral this Sunday. 

The luncheon is part of the activities of the 40th Anniversary Celebrations of the Club which has advocated for the rights of women and girls in the country; ending violence against women and expanding access to education for women and girls.

This year one of the honorees includes two-term, nonconsecutive President, the first Bahamian to hold Area  Director Patricia Francis.

She has served also as an Executive Director of Family Planning and Drug Prevention and organised Golden Z Clubs at the University of the Bahamas St. Johns College and St Anne’s High Schools.
The first female Director of Community Affairs at the Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Culture Ms Francis held responsibility for the creation of many national programms involving the empowerment of young people. She was a key player in driving ZONTA’s involvement in the “Let’s Read Bahamas”.

Her work in community development ushered in the national “One Bahamas”: programme to promote a spirit of Love and Unity throughout the archipelago.